The cat and fiddle and a ******* idiot.

Was it target fixation? To me it looked like when he saw the car he would have hit it if he had continued his turn just as tight and fallen off if he'd made it tighter. Maybe he made the best of putting himself in a stupid situation.

It looks like quite a smart decision, i reckon he could have leaned over a bit more and made it (just), but I imagine seeing an unexpected car put him off a bit, he then came up to break realised how close he was to the car then decided to stick it in the hedgerow.

Using the whole road is always a nice feeling but you can really only do it if you can see it's clear otherwise you just have to assume you'll be restricted to your lane. And then you've got to assume there is a sheep in the middle of your lane too.
Indeed the whole of the road if your %110 sure it is clear otherwise you are asking trouble, I don't even bother if there is another car in-front, as he might have the same idea. Saying that though i did the DSA last year and the police biker had no problems overtaking on the inside of a righthanders and lefthanders. Of course only when he could see the way was safe.
You think it's harsh to suggest someone is an idiot when the evidence shows him repeatedly crossing double white lines and going round blind corners on the wrong side of the road, before telling us that 'always happens to him'?

He doesn't know *why* it happens, which is the key part.
TBH, I had something similar during my training and it was a dynamic of the bike not actually covered in the syllabus. It was only when my instructor explained what was happening that I understood and turned it to my advantage.

It's kinda like Countersteering - Unless someone tells you these things, it's not taught anywhere in basic training. You have to go IAM/Bikesafe for all that... and how many riders, especially the Summer lot, would ever do those?
And I thought those solid white lines were there for a reason.

The guys a muppet and was inches away from possibly killing the people in the car.

If he wants to kill himself then fairplay we need more donor's but to recklessly endanger innocent road users is something else.

With ya, he's a tool box, but hey, benefit of the doubt lets hope he learns from that! he was riding wayyy too quick and you could see he wasn't gonna be even close to that corner!
Was it target fixation? To me it looked like when he saw the car he would have hit it if he had continued his turn just as tight and fallen off if he'd made it tighter. Maybe he made the best of putting himself in a stupid situation.

On a bike you basically tend to steer where you are looking. In an emergency situation, inexperienced riders naturally get fixated on the thing representing the danger (cars, trees, rocks, hedges etc), and by doing so they inevitably steer towards them and hit them.

An experienced rider will be looking primarily at their escape route in that situation and will have a vastly better chance of making it through because of this.

The biker in the video could have easily made the bend at that speed if he'd taken it properly, but he completely messed up the entry and then panicked when he saw the car.
After re-watching, I'm actually thinking he was also on the brakes at that point.
He was carrying a lot of speed as he set-up and entered, having blazed past on that last overtake (at only 60mph, honest...), so was running wide and standing the bike up, as well as fixating on the car. Probably started running wide, then saw the car and got fixated, then went to rat-spit in a panic.
**Prepare for Thread Resurection**

A biker who filmed himself nearly crashing into a car head-on at high speed has been found guilty of dangerous driving.

Jack Sanderson, 22, from Cheshire, recorded the incident on the A537 Cat and Fiddle when his motorbike crossed the white line and he swerved to avoid an oncoming car in February.

It became an internet hit when he uploaded it on YouTube but also led to his prosecution.

About time - this idiot shouldn't be on the road!
Sorry, there was nothing more on the BBC article and I'm unable to find details on other sites. I'm sure it'll be updated.
Any idea what he got regarding the prosecution? Ban or just a fine?

Sentencing is next week.

I used to drive my Westfield out to the Cat and Fiddle regulary but I've stopped because of idiots like this. Sucks all the enjoyment out of it when you're constantly watching for kamikaze pilots.
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If it wasn't for the questionable overtaking prior I imagine it would have just been shrugged off as a lucky/unlucky accident. Lucky he didn't get hurt, unlucky he crashed.
After re-watching, I'm actually thinking he was also on the brakes at that point.
He was carrying a lot of speed as he set-up and entered, having blazed past on that last overtake (at only 60mph, honest...), so was running wide and standing the bike up, as well as fixating on the car. Probably started running wide, then saw the car and got fixated, then went to rat-spit in a panic.

The inevitable result of inexperience and over-confidence.
little more detail, but not much

The landowner is seeking £1,000 in compensation from Sanderson for damage to his fence.

The Peak District A537 road between Macclesfield, Cheshire, and Buxton, Derbyshire features severe bends and steep drops.

The Road Safety Foundation charity has called on the government to spend more money on the Cat and Fiddle to improve safety on the roads but said the attitude of motorists also needed to change to make it safer.

Lee Murphy, from Cheshire Safer Roads Partnership, said: "The Cat and Fiddle does have a bit of a challenge mentality and a minority do try to ride it as fast as they can."
All hail the land owner, half his wall is falling apart :)

Anyway the moral of this story is... If breaking the law insure you never upload anything to utube :)
leave him alone ...poor guy was only out having a bit of fun ..:) :P

we all do stupid things once or twice...some more than.
leave him alone ...poor guy was only out having a bit of fun ..:) :P
we all do stupid things once or twice...some more than.
I don't care what people do so long as they're having fun, not hurting anyone (including themselves) and not driving my insurance premiums up or getting me tarred with the same brush.
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