The CCNA/Cisco Certifications Thread

I was putting it off even though I was doing it in normal day to day life. Although since the fees are being paid for and I wanted to just go through the modules and labs etc I thought I may aswel certify.

I probably won't be doing any higher tier, may somewhere down the line do a different type or vendor

I want to focus more on labbing stuff and not have to worry about revision and exams.
could any of you more knowledgeable chaps perhaps spec me, or link me to some actual hardware (switches/routers etc) that I could buy to have a play round with in my spare time? we get about 3hrs a week in a class environment to play with the gear but i's like to be doing a bit extra myself whenever I get a chance.
reading round the net I think at a minimum I need a 2960 switch and an 1800 (1841?) router? - I'm just not 100% sure so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'd rather not drop a ton of cash on something that is no use to me!
Why not just use GNS3, obtain a couple of IOS files or IOU (over unix) and put it all into a VM. It is easy to do and just as useful as having the real thing.
could any of you more knowledgeable chaps perhaps spec me, or link me to some actual hardware (switches/routers etc) that I could buy to have a play round with in my spare time? we get about 3hrs a week in a class environment to play with the gear but i's like to be doing a bit extra myself whenever I get a chance.
reading round the net I think at a minimum I need a 2960 switch and an 1800 (1841?) router? - I'm just not 100% sure so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'd rather not drop a ton of cash on something that is no use to me!

If you have a decent server or something with a few cores and plenty of ram then VIRL is really good,
Why not just use GNS3, obtain a couple of IOS files or IOU (over unix) and put it all into a VM. It is easy to do and just as useful as having the real thing.

I've been using packet tracer, just want to get a bit more hands on - if you know what I mean

If you have a decent server or something with a few cores and plenty of ram then VIRL is really good,

don't have at the minute but may do towards the start of the year. i'll keep that in mind.

Finally passed my CCNP today. Been putting off TSHOOT due to work commitments but finally went in today and completed with 9xx so very happy!

Just wish it would get me a pay rise haha
Finally passed my CCNP today. Been putting off TSHOOT due to work commitments but finally went in today and completed with 9xx so very happy!

Just wish it would get me a pay rise haha

Congrats :)

I passed CCNP Route last year, I have CCNP Switch on Tuesday, then TSHOOT left which I am planning to take 1st quarter or 1st half of next year

What sort of format is TSHOOT? I have not read in to it yet, do you have pretty similar format as the other two exams but on a more troubleshooting ticket based type set-up where you have to diagnose both elements of Routing and Switching combined, labs?
Passed CCNP switch 300-115 this morning. So nervous on this one. Had not much sleep last night

I think I got the labs done fine although may have fluffed a couple of questions

832 out of 1000
Pass is 790

Layer 2 tech 83%
Infrastructure security 92%
Infra services 100%

Just TSHOOT to go now!
Passed my CCENT 100-105 today, now onto the 200-105 :D.

Been doing networking for 7 years and now, never really sat down and just got on with it. Nice to finally make a start.
Passed my CCENT 100-105 today, now onto the 200-105 :D.

Been doing networking for 7 years and now, never really sat down and just got on with it. Nice to finally make a start.

Well done mate :) yeh same here iv been a network engineer for pretty much 8 years with history before that in infra and VOIP.

Work has always been consistently busy which I don't mind. But it never left much room to go through and get certified (plus I'm an overtime whore :p) but it's good once you get going. I'm not going to go as far as CCIE though in terms of cert tracking
Well done DJ. CCNP was going to my next target after I passed the CCNA Security but unfortunately I failed it again in September with around 750 points.

I used CBT Nuggets, went on the official Cisco course and had the Cisco Press book (which was pretty useless... Anybody thinking of studying, don't bother with the Cisco Press book).

I only had one lab again... And it was the same lab as on my first attempt. WTF. I did feel pretty confident and flew through 50 or so questions so the extra studying definitely paid off. The final question was on OSPF areas... Nothing to do with the CCNA Sec blueprint.

My CCNA expired on the same day so I'll be looking at starting again in the new year. Might do CCNA, CCNA Voice and then do CCNP. The internet is full of complaints relating to the 210-260 so don't think I'll bother with it again. A shame, as I find security really interesting.
Cheers :)

I use CBT nuggets, internet blogs and sites,Cisco learning site, the fact that I do it in work helps. But where always spend time playing around in labs. I got through my CCENT/CCNA and route CCNP exam with GNS3.

I did buy Cisco books but only really delved in to a chapter or few I didn't read the whole thing.

Even though I'm a regular to physical switches it wasn't until I started the CCNP switch learning that I had to switch to physicals as you can't emulate some switch technology in GNS3

In the one I sat Tuesday I had a lab which tests your vlan, spanning tree, vtp, interface config and etherchannel skills, a security one AAA authentication and hsrp sim. Rest were either drag and drop and MCQ some with exhibit
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I used CBT when I did my CCNA and the videos by Jeremy Cioara were brilliant. I still use his submitting method today. The CCNA Sec videos were done by Keith Barber and in no way as good or enjoyable as Jeremy's.

We had loads of spare kit lying around at work so it was easy to lab up, but then I've never really got on with GNS so have always had a decent pile of kit of home to play about with. Tbh, I thought virtualising switches in GNS was a no go?
Not done security but yeh Jeremy is an awesome teacher.

You cant really. You can do some.switch features in GNS3 by using a router with etherswitch module installed. But it doesn't give you all the features you will need to cover in the CCNP switch exam.

GNS3 itself is good and there are new features being added recently which iv not tested yet.

I used 4x 3560G switches in work though mainly for the one I just sat. Some modules will use 2, some 3, but I added the 4th one as an extra switch to play around with spanning tree a little bit more
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