The chopper is back!!

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It must have been about 1970 when I had my Chopper. My Mum & Dad tried to talk me into a racer but I wasn't having any. After about two weeks of always trailing behind my mates on their racers I asked for a swop. For the next two years I was always last getting anywhere and putting about 100 times more energy in. My orange Chopper was so slooooowwww.
Originally posted by GTA
Choppers are easily the best thing man has ever invented, including the wheel.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

lol I had a chopper to, if I remember right it was a distinctly horrible shade of yellow. But best of all it had 5 yes count 'em 5 gears. All my mates were jelous as theirs were only 3 gear ones :)

[edit] Just read strax's post yup m8 me!!!! [/edit]

I had one too , a brand new shiny red one , till some git nicked it

And I had a Chipper before ( when I was about 7 ) was a mini chopper for nippers :D

There was a 5 speed version too , what was that called ? ( the one with 2 gear levers )
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Originally posted by Sp!ke_UK
lol I had a chopper to, if I remember right it was a distinctly horrible shade of yellow. But best of all it had 5 yes count 'em 5 gears. All my mates were jelous as theirs were only 3 gear ones :)
Hey, at least yours wasn't some pink/purpley thing!
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