MCL is a ligament in the knee isnt it that connect the shin and thigh bone... sounds painful.
I was so out of shape after lockdown but back into it now and starting to feel and look better. My back changed shape over lockdown and looked all sloughy, now it's more upright. Climbing, swimming and a couple of cardio sessions a week plus better diet and not as much drinking.
Lockdown I would be in the house most of the day sat down then went for a walk to the shops. Takeaways / semi healthy food but also too many beers / gins out of boredom
Yeah it's the ligament on the inside of the knee. Had someone land on the side of my knee playing rugby, my fault for trying to settle in a new place by playing contact sports at my age

Had a good physio appointment yesterday though, she says the ligament is healed now, the residual pain will fade, just needs some strength work, so I'm heading to the climbing gym this evening to test it out. Worst case I can do some hangboarding and campusing....but I think it should be ok to do straightforward stuff, drop-knees and stuff can wait.
If it's OK this session, I'm getting booked onto the first lead/trad climbing course I can find. I'm so desperately bored of bouldering on my own for the last year and half since moving back to the UK. Everyone is into trad here, and I don't fancy learning from randoms, want some proper tuition to get started, then will get out to join some clubs.
I'm not *that* out of shape, I always eat well. 6'2" and 74kg atm. I've noticed my upper body muscle mass has noticeably dropped off and am generally less toned. Going to go nuts as soon as I can regularly gym climb again.