Annoyingly, I did it a couple months ago and it's taken this long to get the referral started with the NHS!
I went to a sports physio first at the start of September and he said he suspects a torn meniscus and that I could really do with an MRI to see the damage. He told me he had the contacts to get it sorted privately, but it's not going to be cheap as I don't have insurance so I said I'd check out the NHS route first. I had the appointment with my GP towards the end of September and it's taken a month for the knee clinic to get my referral. They've now said it's going to be another 12-16 weeks before they can see me, let alone getting it scanned. At this point stumping up £5k is looking like a good option just to get it sorted quickly as I'm going stir crazy.
I went to a sports physio first at the start of September and he said he suspects a torn meniscus and that I could really do with an MRI to see the damage. He told me he had the contacts to get it sorted privately, but it's not going to be cheap as I don't have insurance so I said I'd check out the NHS route first. I had the appointment with my GP towards the end of September and it's taken a month for the knee clinic to get my referral. They've now said it's going to be another 12-16 weeks before they can see me, let alone getting it scanned. At this point stumping up £5k is looking like a good option just to get it sorted quickly as I'm going stir crazy.