Any inefficiencies in transferring electricity to your home apply just as much transferring that electricity to the factory to make the cards to begin with.
The viewpoint you are trying to get across is one where everyone drops out of modern society and live in the forests like a druid . . . which is a valid viewpoint but most likey unworkable. Production has to continue to feed the consumers because if people don't have anything to buy the whole financial system breaks down . . .
I guess unless you can quote a source for any of that, we'll have to agree to disagree.
Obviously common-sense is the source!
I am advocating the replacement of inefficient hardware which is not entirely the same as the car manufacturing ideal/links you seem to be fixing on. Yes the production of a graphics card does incur a carbon debt but simple logic leads me to conclude that this debt will be paid off quite quickly. Interestingly in the links you provided it advocated the purchase of
used goods as these effectively come without a carbon debt (the debt is on the original owner), not sure how that works exactly but it's something I've not thought about before so good food for thought!
I'm not ready to
agree to disagree yet, we are only just starting and I wanna here all you have to say on the subject so I can understand your viewpoint better!
It may sooth your consience to buy new, more efficient things, but I question whether it's actually greener.
Without dropping out of modern society for Druid life I see no better option than for each and every individual to become aware of their own carbon footprint and do whatever they can to reduce the rate of their energy consumption. I am one of the small minority of geeks on this forum that has been trying to raise awareness of the problem and draw peoples attention to how much power a computer can use and I have been waiting for approx 18 months for the release of new graphics cards that feature a hybrid power saving mode which idles on quite low wattage, its a problem that has been obvious to me for some time and I can't tell you how happy I am to see not only these LV products turning up at last but also the fact a lot more people are into it and see the benefits for themselves!
Now I would remind you this is a computer hardware enthusiasts forum and we are having this discussion in a thread about the Radeon HD 5870 which is a new graphics card (not a car), I don't see there is much scope to take this debate further as not many people will appreciate the prospect of being told not to buy it (or other manufactured goods) and instead return to nature for an utterly eco friendly life!
I've not spoken to you before and can't say I've seen you post much about hardware but in the context of this thread I urge you to go and do your homework regarding Graphics Cards and their
Energy-Usage and you will see what a decent step in the right direction these new AMD Evergreen products are and I think everyone who really needs a awesome graphics card should buy one, even better they should buy one in several months