The Custom Painted Everything project - phase 2

22 Sep 2005
for those of tyou who have been following THIS THREAD

you will have been left on a cliffhanger as to where the outside of the case was going. for those of you who dont have a clue wahts going on...

This part of the project is concentrating on the outside of the case and other mods inside, lighting, wirign etc etc

if you CBA to sift through the other thread, heres phase one in a nutshell:




And heres the outside of the case so far, its almost finished, the crappy finish you see on there is just a lashign of 'intercoat' its just to give me an idea of what exactly its gonna look liek when its laquered, and brings out any mistakes.


that little pic in the top left is an example of the burning gas effect i use, it basiaccaly simulates the blue gas burning off the ends of the flame licks, it appears and dissapears as oyu move arounf the case, and in different lights etc

When it is finaly clearcoated, it will look liek its been dipped in glass:-D

The other side of the case is similar, as is the front, still soem refinign to do but NO MORE for today, need to look at it tomorrow atleast with fresh eyes
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matt100 said:

do you have troubling dreams?

;) looks awesome!

i almost did last night when my mam came runnign and screaming up the stairs tellign me the paint had reacted allover my case... when it was just the cleart/tinted purple maskign fluid i has covering the guy with the hat lol.

for anyone whos interested, the guy with the hat is form a film called the ghosts of edendale, i saw the advert for it in bizzare magazine and couldnt resist painting him on my case tbh, he just looks sooo... cool lol :D

i keep looking at thatpic and noticing part i need to change, for example the thick black line around the left hand side of the bloke... thats GOTTA go lol

Thats a picture of the pannel with just the block on, that pannel was sitting around for ages til someone give me a nudge to start the flames lol
That really is amazing. How did you get into airbrushing? In the other thread you said you were looking for some driving lessons, so I take it you're 17 ... that's pretty damned good work for a 17 year old.

THANKS GUYS !! !! !!, ive found that art, and airbrush art in particular is a very subjective thing, but it seems that most of you like it :D lol.
im still gonna protest that the inside of the case is not tacky lol. its beautiful... its just impossible to take photos / compress the sp that it doesnt look so bad.
but that could also be due to the fact that your all seeing so much of it ! this wont be as apparent when the sides are on ofcourse !

A.N.Other said:
That really is amazing. How did you get into airbrushing? In the other thread you said you were looking for some driving lessons, so I take it you're 17 ... that's pretty damned good work for a 17 year old.


close mate,. im 18, but ive been doing this for a while, i got into it via model making(been doing that for 5/6 years)... kinda got dropped into the deep end when i was about 14/15 as my mother told a sign comany that i could airbrush stuff then the next thing i knew i hadf to paint the bonnets of 2 skylines ! lol scary stuff !

ichabod crane said:
looks awesome!!! is the hat a bit out of scale tho?

on the grey picture.... the hat is totaly wrong lol, that piccy was taken weeks ago before i re worked the guy, the newest pis including the fire etc is the correct size / shape though

Beserker said:
No Business promotion / askuing for services.

yes guys, please dont ask stuff like this, i cant answer them.

Now the other suide of the case, i have made a mesh pannel, also painted in fire, its quite a fine, punched steel sheet, but ive testes it already and it serves the purpose of being see through, and carrying the fire, it is interchangeable with the clear plastic window though
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no updates as such yet, left my glasses at my girlfriends ladst night lol, no painting. im off to replenish my stocks of laquer tomorrrow though, so i expect to be clearcoating on monday. 3 pannles at a time though, so not quick work !

i did take delivery of 2 Akasa amber 120mm's today though, so i have a push pull type thign goin on, btu i may make a shroud ofr somethign for it.

keep checking in, should have soem refines pics tomorrow maybe
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