The Custom Painted Everything project - phase 2

orderoftheflame said:
is the inside of the door not getting painted?

looks as if the outer layer is primer at the moment from the pic above :(

surely it'll look aweful when the doors opened?

no thats just masking tape, the drive fronts are black.
i was gonna paint the fronts of the drives, or blanking plates but its just not practical. i may be adding. removing the drives in future.

the inner side of the acctualy door its self is just black, but im probobly gonan pin stripe it as a finishing touch.
no thats just masking tape, the drive fronts are black.
i was gonna paint the fronts of the drives, or blanking plates but its just not practical. i may be adding. removing the drives in future.

the inner side of the acctualy door its self is just black, but im probobly gonan pin stripe it as a finishing touch.

phew :p

good news :D
since iv got nothign much to uupdate, i was lookign through my pics and found this rather embarrasing one...

was taken ages ago. before i started my mission on learning about watercooling lol.
this project has been in the making for months now. i painted the inside of the case AGES ago and its had just been sitting around with the thermal take WC from my last PC in for a while.

call it a 'before' pic :P

btw, can you tell my last PC had a green theme ? ha ha


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Dude... that Hi Stelly... so cool :)... I like the setup mate.... I was thinking about getting my watercooling liquid black, any suggestions?? black liquid ;)

I cant wait to see the finished article ;)

Black liquid ?
none what so ever !. you can get Black Tygon tubing, but i cant think of anything to make the liquid black to be honest .

im now in the process of getting of fmy 'just left college' back side and settign up business. parents givving me a grant to start off with so a machine polisher is first ont he list !
be patient young padiwans lol !
ChoÞÞer said:
damn, i fort it was blue :O :p

Whats blue?
is it an animal or soemthing :S... certainly not a colour IVE ever heard of ;)

no updates for a while really guys. im in the process of starting up the business side of things, parents givving me grant ( of which will but my machine polisher) and then i can get this baby polised and assembled.
Cobra said:

You doing anything to the kb/mouse/monitor?

i was about to attack my mouse... but its started playing up, so might be gettign sent back :|

keyboard... probobly.
monitors... cant be bummed / dont wanna **** em up
plus as youv all gathered, wjhen i do personal projects they take me a long LONG time lol. so id have bits of a minitor and KB&M lying around for weeks ha ha

ive painted my phone though... does that count ?
Jakal91 said:
Pics? :D

You have some SERIOUS talent :eek:
Im loving the case and paintjob, amazing!
yeh, jakal is doing some halflife 2 mod :S lol good job on that..
right pictures of your phone NOW!1 :rolleyes: hehe :P
cameras not in cradle, maybe tomorrow gents. think my brothers took it to photograph his mini... ( his car lol, not his unit )

cant take pics with no camera can ya !!.
it looks just liek my waterblocks lol, it was paitned in the same batch :P
cameras not in cradle, maybe tomorrow gents. think my brothers took it to photograph his mini... ( his car lol, not his unit )

cant take pics with no camera can ya !!.
it looks just liek my waterblocks lol, it was paitned in the same batch :P
lol, its only a mini ? bloody hell! respray that :D
then pictures :cool:
JunkBot said:
You have inspired me :)

Thread to follow lol (and im not joking) But will be on a much MUCH smaller scale than this baby!

heh ! cool
im awaiting your thread. :)
im thinking barebones or something?
and cool, your across the river from me in newcastle ! greetings from sunderland !
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