The Custom Painted Everything project - phase 2


jsut a test of the side pannel i done. looks pretty funky all lit up.

probobly gonna start laquering things tomorrow :(... i ahte clearcoating lol... what a horrible job it is

jsut a test of the side pannel i done. looks pretty funky all lit up.

probobly gonna start laquering things tomorrow :(... i ahte clearcoating lol... what a horrible job it is

AT LAST another update.... :)

ALLLLL the parts are now laquered, need to leave em for a day or two before i start the task of flatting and polishing.
ive got the nagging feeling like ive forgotten something but im pretty sure its all there lol.

eugh i hate clearcoating with a passion lol :(
ChoÞÞer said:

lol i told you all it was gonna be loud !
clearcoat is hardening nicly, got one poxy run in the clear... but luckily im not the oen polishing it as my mate ( my usual clearcoater) as opted for the job... itl take till he end of the week but its worth it lol

after the polish its almost done... when i have a nice surface to work on ill use my other favourite technique and add some old school pinstriping over the top of the flames. the beauty of pinstriping though.... if it looks crap you have 3 hours to wipe it off lol
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you want to make sure its not outside if the heavens open like they did this morning down here :eek: they'll float away!
that case design looks awsome. Keep up good work, can't wait till final images.
One pannel 'flatted' - basically sanding the pannel donw until the surface iis perfectly smooth, then it is polished

ive sprayed soem water on this one to show the effect polishign will have


Now i COULD wait for my mate to polish it, or i can jhave a crack at doing it by handf, like ive done here, you can see where ive p[olished, and which bits are left flat by looking at the reflection of gras.... DAYUM thats shiney :D
soooo close to my dreaded job... polishing :'(

pannels lyin in the sun cos im not sut a patient bugger as i used to be lol

And then suddenley a flock of birds flew overhead and redid the paintwork
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