The Custom Painted Everything project - phase 2

Drazic has reminded me of something acctually.
allt he people that have helped me through this project by sellinng me their old unwanted cooling compononets to give it a new lease of life


( in no particular order)

CPU Block - Drazic. it turned out to be a bit of a frankenstien, but got there in the end !

GPU Block - Nanoman, top notch bit of kit !

Pump & fill port - Mr Mister, The first part i bought !

Radiator - nyzrox supplied this one ! thanks bud ( with a lower case n :confused: )

Watercoolign advice - well a lot of people from these forums helped me int eh very early stages, but i also owe the guys at ocforums a big hand, in particular Thorilan

Case - thanks to all the guys who deconstructed their own auroras to tell me the pros and cons before i bought one !

The people aty the garden centre - for not thinking any different of me for buying a metre of black hose every saturday :|

and Stelly, just for the continued crazyness in supporting this project

and i have to thanks my mam... thats just obligatory

hope i havnt left anyone off !
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Stelly said:
Crazy... ok fair enough, but I would say a little unhinged ;)

so whats next then mate?? :):)


well. when i finished it and posted the pics i felt a like a little boy lost ! lol it felt liek that moment at the end of the truman show lol... what now :|

im gonna get a hold of a cheap case. apitn it,. display it / sell it i think ! or maybe just give it to my brother.
but this project has generated quite a lot of interest to be honest. had a few queries already.

i havnt really got anythign left to paint except my monitors, but dont really want to paint them to be honest.
could paitn mty mini fridge i suppose lol

well. when i finished it and posted the pics i felt a like a little boy lost ! lol it felt liek that moment at the end of the truman show lol... what now :|

im gonna get a hold of a cheap case. apitn it,. display it / sell it i think ! or maybe just give it to my brother.
but this project has generated quite a lot of interest to be honest. had a few queries already.

i havnt really got anythign left to paint except my monitors, but dont really want to paint them to be honest.
could paitn mty mini fridge i suppose lol

woooooooooow pimp my fridge :)

as i said before that is amazing and i would love to see the skyline ponnet you painted.

can you add me onto MSN want to ask you a few things about airbrushes(i cant find your email addy on your profile)

RB - Could you do me a tiny little favour please ?

In your Aurora, could you mount dual fans pulling air through your Rad with the rad mounted externally ??

So it would:

AirFLow In ---> Rad -> Case Wall -> Fan -> Fan -> AirFlow coming in ---->

If so I think this is the case for some High performance W/C.
Arthalen said:

AirFLow In ---> Rad -> Case Wall -> Fan -> Fan -> AirFlow coming in ---->
ive had

outside of case| fan| rad|case wall| fan| inside case
(like a radiator sandwhich (sp??) )

thats nto a problem at all
but ti was with 4 pathetic fans lol
on a rainy day im gonna take the honey comb fan guards out of the case. i think they count for a lot of Degrees on my ship.

i think i know what you mean now... 6 fans all togeather yea ?
tha\ts certainly not a problem for my particular set up.
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For best temps on the HE series, pull-pull. IE: On each Thermochill shroud stack a PAIR of fans pulling thru the rad, one fan attached to the other fan attached to the shroud attached to the rad. This has always produced better temps than push, push-pull, push-push, and pull on the HE range cores. Generally this would result in:

Grill/Guard > Fan > Fan > Rad > Case > Grill/Guard

This is straight off an FAQ for the Thermochill series Rads.

I was just thinking of swapping it around and have the air flow being pulled through the radiator by a dual set of fans (for a total of 4 fans, see), so that I could have the fans mounted internally with the rad external.

If I'm not making myself clear ( :confused: ), drop me a line. Email is on my profile.
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Actually, RB, I've just looked at a picture in your original thread on your own case:

This Image

The wall of the case that the rear fans mount to is recessed deeper than where th I/O plate is on the motherboard, so it looks like there will be no problem in mounting dual fans.

Now that's answered, must researchthis case some more..... *dribble*... have I finally found what I'm looking for.
most local compuiter stores have this case in stock, go see if you can have a look at it in person. thats what i did !
but yea, theres deffo enought room for 2 fans on the inside.

sweet sweet joy people ! got my new beast of a compressor yesterday.
i ahd to paint my PC with some crappy 4 litre thing which was just HORRIBLE ( i had to borrow it off a mate as mine had givven up the ghost mid way through painting the mural )

so yesterday i got this THING ! lol
100 litres of Worthington Creyssensac ( Atlas Copco) beastiness

but damn it its BLUE :eek:

( guitar is just there for scale bet... inm not just showing off because ive got a Fender strat signed by Hank Marvin himself :P - the bottom faint squiggle is the sig' the one above the scratchplate is a sticker )
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