It’s been awhile since this topic came up.
I usually read the front pages of “today’s papers” on the beeb for a summary of the top news from... errr, yesterday.
Seems to be a lot above Love Island and Prince Harry today!
Anyway, there was one piece of text on from the Daily Mail that really stood out to me (in relation to the VIP accuser case):
Wow - how angry is that! It’s so angry! Such an ‘eye for an eye’ mentality comes across, to me, as unduly malicious.
Every newspaper posts some angry commentary, but from observing the front pages over weeks and weeks I feel that the ‘anger stoking’ perception of the Daily Mail is well deserved and that it is, pretty much objectively, far more ‘angry’ than any other newspaper. Sometimes anger is duly warranted but it’s the specific ‘consistent disproportionate anger’ tone that the Daily Mail projects that bugs me.
I just think that style of reporting, regardless of political views, is really unhealthy.
Do you agree, or are all papers angry in their own way? Any Daily Mail readers disagree, or do you just buy it out of habit for the Weekend TV guide they do in Saturday’s paper (which frankly was the undisputed leading TV guide of the 90s)?
As a side point, people seem to LOVE the trash in the Daily Mail website / app, regardless of their political views. Can’t get enough of that DM trash
I usually read the front pages of “today’s papers” on the beeb for a summary of the top news from... errr, yesterday.
Seems to be a lot above Love Island and Prince Harry today!
Anyway, there was one piece of text on from the Daily Mail that really stood out to me (in relation to the VIP accuser case):
Daily Mail Comment: There was no secrecy for the true victims of ‘Nick’s’ vile lies. Now there should be none for the officers who trashed their good names in such cavalier fashion.
Wow - how angry is that! It’s so angry! Such an ‘eye for an eye’ mentality comes across, to me, as unduly malicious.
Every newspaper posts some angry commentary, but from observing the front pages over weeks and weeks I feel that the ‘anger stoking’ perception of the Daily Mail is well deserved and that it is, pretty much objectively, far more ‘angry’ than any other newspaper. Sometimes anger is duly warranted but it’s the specific ‘consistent disproportionate anger’ tone that the Daily Mail projects that bugs me.
I just think that style of reporting, regardless of political views, is really unhealthy.
Do you agree, or are all papers angry in their own way? Any Daily Mail readers disagree, or do you just buy it out of habit for the Weekend TV guide they do in Saturday’s paper (which frankly was the undisputed leading TV guide of the 90s)?
As a side point, people seem to LOVE the trash in the Daily Mail website / app, regardless of their political views. Can’t get enough of that DM trash