The Daily Mail

If this is true and they can take this paper to the cleaners it would be a good day. I'd love to see it bankrupt and the ones responsible for these crimes held responsible and jailed. That is probably to much to ask for in this country though.

Something tells me this is Meghan Markles fault :mad: :mad: :mad: !!

I hope they take them to the cleaners. Horrible rag.
If some of what is being claimed is true then why the hell aren't the police involved in this? I'm all for a free press and investigative journalism is vital for a liberal democracy but this stuff stinks and those responsible if those allegations are true should be in court before a jury of their peers.
If some of what is being claimed is true then why the hell aren't the police involved in this?

How do you suppose the DM gets a lot of it's scoops? The relationship between the police and the right-wing rags can best be describes as "cozy". And the DM supports the Tories, who run the government, who fund the police.

As for phone hacking, at the time the NotW was being killed over it, it was stated by many people that pretty much every tabloid was at it, and even some "serious" papers. The DM was mentioned more than once. Whether it can proved in a UK court is another question.
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