At the end of the day they're one of the most popular newspapers (along with the sun) and news websites in the country. They play to their market, which is substantial. And lol @ people going "they try to influence peoples opinions on politics", every single newspaper does this.
This place is just full of the classic hipster scenario which is usually the second most popular option, to mock people who like the most popular option and act superior to them. It's akin to "Yeah, their new stuff is ok, but their first album was so much better, oh you haven't heard their first album?". "Lol apple sheep, android master race". etc etc.
Just reeks of snobbery. We get it, you don't like the daily mail and you think the people who read it are plebs. So let them get on with it and continue reading whatever newspaper you want to read as long as it makes you feel better about yourself.
If it was popular to throw yourself off a bridge, it would be "wrong" to mock them for doing so?
There's nothing about snobbery here, it's a paper run by the establishment to keep you docile and hating someone other than them, and it's certainly doesn't make anyone feel better when it is part of the reason this country is so ******* corrupt, selfish, destructive and hilariously sycophantic to the wrong people.
It's well past humour and pity, you can't defend the side of lies, discrimination, inequality unless you actively hate having a rational, just and objective country. It isn't just about newspapers, these are fronts for disinformation and anal effuse, similar to the outrage merchants on twitter/youtube, and absolutely deserve derision for it's vile, exaggerated portrayal of society.
It must be compared to the likes of Reuter and AP, who are completely neutral sources of information, the daily mail is propaganda in comparison. The Leveson inquiry needs to be acted upon so some sense of rationality can take over from the putrid ***** emanating from fleet street or it's splinters.
Newspapers/publishers/websites need to be forced to retract false statements, and
must be forced to apologise for misinforming the public with a full front page warning, anything less is an abdication of duty to keep people informed in a manner that does the least damage to social cohesion and economic stability.
Sick of this destructive culture that pits people against themselves because someone living in luxury want's to have a laugh.