So by your logic, if the game was on consoles it would instantly be crap?
The Darkness had nothing to do with zombies on rails - not a clue where you even got that from. You spent most of your time traversing subways and dark neighbourhoods in a New York style city. Cities normally have things called humans in them. Think Max Payne 1 with demonic powers and a brilliant, open subway system and you'll be on target. A small part of the game consisted of the main character finding out where his powers originated from, and thats where he goes to some madcap world filled with Nazi zombiefied soldiers.
The Darkness had nothing to do with zombies on rails - not a clue where you even got that from. You spent most of your time traversing subways and dark neighbourhoods in a New York style city. Cities normally have things called humans in them. Think Max Payne 1 with demonic powers and a brilliant, open subway system and you'll be on target. A small part of the game consisted of the main character finding out where his powers originated from, and thats where he goes to some madcap world filled with Nazi zombiefied soldiers.