The Day Before (MMO/Zombie survival)

The discord mods, who were unpaid volunteers have stated since the game launched all communication from the developers immediately ceased. The mods also say they were told by the developers the game is an open world survival, not an extraction shooter.

It all sounds pre meditated

If the financial issues are real, I think the studio knew they were in trouble some time ago and came up with a plan to quickly launch the game, make some money and do a runner.

I can see some lawsuits coming because running a company this way can't be legal
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The discord mods, who were unpaid volunteers have stated since the game launched all communication from the developers immediately ceased. The mods also say they were told by the developers the game is an open world survival, not an extraction shooter.

It gets worse

The Discord admins/mods have deleted all the channels apart from rules and server news.
Fntastic have deleted all the videos as well

Chat/Bugs all gone
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"There is a massive need for this type of game another DayZ etc "

And this is why people got sucked in :(
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You doing ok buddy? I know you had high hopes.

I was excited but there was always something nagging at the back of my mind. I'm not a fan of Early Access, and also how Dead Matter turned out! - Thankfully I didn't buy it, and held firm ;)
I was excited but there was always something nagging at the back of my mind. I'm not a fan of Early Access, and also how Dead Matter turned out! - Thankfully I didn't buy it, and held firm ;)

If anything it's just more proof that youtube is full of paid shills in gaming (and probably other stuff). Not that I need any more reason not to watch any of them.
If anything it's just more proof that youtube is full of paid shills in gaming (and probably other stuff). Not that I need any more reason not to watch any of them.

Like that one guy calling The Day Before a big scam, but then shilling people to go and check out ANOTHER Early Access game Once Human... I mean seriously :o
If anything it's just more proof that youtube is full of paid shills in gaming (and probably other stuff). Not that I need any more reason not to watch any of them.
You've definitely got to be picky on who to watch (if you watch anyone) on youtube, it is full of shills but there are a few gems out there, the likes of ACG and Skill Up for example
Great vid that. I've only really just picked up on this game last couple of days and after watching some early online reviews of how bad it is but was left wondering why and how. That video goes on to explain it in a way even I understand so thanks for posting. It still seems like a rather elaborate scam though, presuming an outright cut and run was the intention form the start which it certainly looks like it's still a lot of effort to go to

Just read the thread from the start and some people had it nailed in Feb 2021 :cool:
I know here in the west we live in a high-trust society but sometimes a pile of crap is just a pile of crap, no matter how much you want to believe the salesman that upon delivery it's going to be a golden goose egg and not a giant turd
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Gamers are their own worst enemy. So easy to whip up in to a hype-frenzy.
This game has seemed like a scam for so long now, yet people still paid for it? :D
I can understand the "I played this so you don't have to" creators paying for it, but anyone else in their right mind... Just confusing.
I don't see how they've made money off Steam users.

There were no pre-orders, so no-one could buy it before 7/12 and, by all accounts, over 50% had refunded before the closing down announcement.

I highly doubt that Valve have paid anything over from the purchases that remain.
Yeah, I’m sure people are safe if they bought off Steam. I’d imagine there’s also a lag between Steam selling a game and them handing the money over to the developers. I can’t see how the developers got any money in this situation.

What’s the old saying? Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
It's pretty wild that Steam hasn't pulled this for misleading marketing on the platform.

Steam has been asleep behind the wheel since the mid 2010's :D They've got their bank, major market control and primary pick for gamers. They don't give a **** lol
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