Another group may or may not have found her, but I suspect what's done it for SGI is that he was talking to the press so much and IIRC basically saying the police were wrong from the moment he failed to find her.
Other companies may have tried other methods, and may have been more upfront about the limits of the equipment they were using, but the real killer for that sort of job is not just failure, but failure whilst bad mouthing the investigation because you couldn't have possibly failed, it means the police can no longer trust you to not hinder the investigation or put out statements that turn out to be incorrect.
IIRC the police have also commented on how unhelpful several retired officers who really should have known better were when they kept appearing in the press to say "well she's obviously not in the river, the police were wrong to rule out...", when the police never ruled anything reasonable out, but did concentrate on what they had evidence for, whilst still looking for other evidence.
During Covid we've had quite a few claims involving DOLS because we wouldn't let patients go out for a smoke
The point is they're not supposed to go out anyway because we are a smoke free Trust but it doesn't help still having smoking shelters that haven't been removed.
I remember last July when my dad had a funny turn and I took him to A&E, he was feeling a lot better so went out to have a pipe
after about an hour*, and about 2 minutes after he went out the nurse called for him :/
I appreciate trusts are now "smoke free" but at the same time for a lot of the elderly like my dad, a pipe or cig is something they're not only addicted to, but helps calm them down when they're stressed (dad has largely given up the pipe since he was in just before christmas). Having said that, once dad was booked in he didn't smoke, and he's always been like that which is part of the reason he doesn't like being in hospital
*He tends to have about 2-5 minutes puffing then stop (so lots of wasted baccy), and it's good going for him to last an hour without one.