The Disclosure Project

Beansprout said:
Why are 98% of them American? Where's the rest of the world's people?

Probably because if you started a similar project the majority of the people getting on board would be from your country untill the word spread.
MookJong said:
You are kidding me, Sgt. Clifford Stone for example was involved in the retreival of a crashed disk, you need to read the whitness statements before you can throw out such credible whitnesses. It's not just a case of them seeing lights in the sky. :rolleyes:

The trouble with witnesses.
1) Is it very easy for there memories to be distorted.
2) You have to find out if theres any other motivation to there stories, be it fame, money or whatever.
3) if you took the average joe and asked them to identify even something simple like a weapons grade laser that had been smashed to bits. They wouldn't have a slightist idea what they where looking at. Same with anyone looking at advanced technology (unless they worked on the design).

Still no comments by 4 or 5 simple provable things which could account for 95%+ of all sightings/phanomina.
Radiation said:
I'm absolutely in awe of that guy being able to ramble on for 1.5hrs trying to convince you that common space debris is alien UFOs :/ Oddly the guy says clearly at one point "I am not a scientist". Right, so WTF is he doing studying space debris, forming his own questionable conclusions and then publishing this video?!
AcidHell2 said:
The trouble with witnesses.
Still no comments by 4 or 5 simple provable things which could account for 95%+ of all sightings/phanomina.

I do not dispute your post above with the explanation for the sightings, 90-95% of sightings are totally explainable but we're not just talking about sightings, but your having a hard time grasping that for some reason.

As far as whitnesses go, official documents, radar tapes and physical evidence don't loose their memory.

The project is non prophet and people are not paid a thing to come forward.

If they lie under oath they can be prosocuted so I don't see what they stand to gain by doing that.
MookJong said:
I do not dispute your post above with the explanation for the sightings, 90-95% of sightings are totally explainable but we're not just talking about sightings, but your having a hard time grasping that for some reason.

As far as whitnesses go, official documents, radar tapes and physical evidence don't loose their memory.

The project is non prophet and people are not paid a thing to come forward.

If they lie under oath they can be prosocuted so I don't see what they stand to gain by doing that.

that might be so, but if they saw advance military machinery would they be able to reconise it?
NathanE said:
I'm absolutely in awe of that guy being able to ramble on for 1.5hrs trying to convince you that common space debris is alien UFOs :/ Oddly the guy says clearly at one point "I am not a scientist". Right, so WTF is he doing studying space debris, forming his own questionable conclusions and then publishing this video?!

I agree, most of the stuff on there is nonsence and a lot of it has already been explained away.
AcidHell2 said:
6)Then you have sleep paralysis ( that can explain pretty much all alien kidnappings and weired going on. I've had several of these myself. Never seen aliens, but I have had the sense of dark beings, also a flaming devil...

I've also had sleep paralysis but never felt a bad presence just a presence so i can see how that would cause many to think they've been abducted, as for the other stuff well its obvious there's a lot r&d into new tech from governments and secret projects which is part of the reason why we are being kept in the dark so much, i guess that stuff can account for some sightings but not all and remember that doesn't mean they don't have world changing technologies that could improve the world.
NathanE said:
I'm absolutely in awe of that guy being able to ramble on for 1.5hrs trying to convince you that common space debris is alien UFOs :/ Oddly the guy says clearly at one point "I am not a scientist". Right, so WTF is he doing studying space debris, forming his own questionable conclusions and then publishing this video?!

As far as i could tell he kept himself pretty well sceptical and wasn't trying to convince us of anything as the video evidence speaks for itself, there's some quite strange phenomena which you can clearly see and hear from the astronauts and mission control which they often get confused about.
AcidHell2 said:
All a load of rubbish and can all be explained by naturall phanomina and millitary research and advanced technology. No green men from outer space, no reverse engineering of crashed space ships.
Goverments mainly the USA will never release there advanced technology till its need or superceeded. Unfortunatley that only happens in huge conflicts. So unless you think WWIII is around *** corner dont hold your breath.
so your saying of all the planets and galaxy's out there this is the only planet that can posibly contain life?
NightSt@lk3r said:
so your saying of all the planets and galaxy's out there this is the only planet that can posibly contain life?

Nope, I'm saying none have visited us..

If you look at the sightings, the abductions, the radars ect ect...

Nothing shows its ET. All it shows is a lot of undecated people with a few things that haven't been expalined. Although we are gradually explaining them.
AcidHell2 said:
I'm meaning crashed vehicales here..

Yes it is possible that "someone" could mistaken a crashed disk with a military vehicle. But when the guy is part of a team that retrieves crashed alien vehicles he would probably know what he was looking at.
There's a lot of unbelievable stuff as well as some convincing so sorting through what could be true or not is hard but i think more info is getting out with the internet, the good thing is we now have places like google video so we can just watch and get a better look at this stuff plus its more interesting than reading all the time. :)
AcidHell2 said:
All a load of rubbish and can all be explained by naturall phanomina and millitary research and advanced technology. No green men from outer space, no reverse engineering of crashed space ships.

Many of the sightings and radar contacts show objects that can accelerate from zero to thousands of miles per hour in the blink of an eye - even the most advanced technology such as scramjets are not capable of that. They're also clearly not natural phenomena as they show intelligent control a lot of the time.

I certainly don't know for sure there is any credibility in the UFO phenomena, however I am open minded and when a large selection of trained and experienced military personal put their reputation on the line I'm going to listen. I certainly wouldn't dismiss it all as rubbish.
Radiation said:
As far as i could tell he kept himself pretty well sceptical and wasn't trying to convince us of anything as the video evidence speaks for itself, there's some quite strange phenomena which you can clearly see and hear from the astronauts and mission control which they often get confused about.
"the video evidence speaks for itself"

This is a line the guy in the video used countless times. I don't have a clue what he or you are on about. All I see is dust, particles, space ship debris, frozen gas/liquid particles and etc floating and interacting in the immediate space around the spacecraft and cameras. Some of the particles are ejected by the spacecraft itself (thrusters, coolant leaks etc) but most were already there and are just varied space debris.

The guy claims to have done video analysis on some of the footage but really there is nothing to analyse. For starters it's all low resolution footage filmed on regular cameras with regular film which may have higher fault/defect rates when operating in space. This means no "scientific" study can take place.
Secondly, there is no point of reference or other means to determine their distance from the camera which means its impossible to determine their size and speed - perhaps two key variables that you will want to determine before branding them as alien UFOs...

It always astonishes me how these so-called "conspiracy theorists" operate in the fields that they do with seemingly not even an O-level in Physics or Science. Some of the claims they make are truely astonishingly dumb and can be spotted by relatively scientific/physics illiterate morons, like myself.
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Watch secret space part 4 which contains some of that nasa footage and others, the whole video itself is more about secret goings on, fake moon landing and dark powers that are said to control the world, there's some very interesting stuff shown so its a must watch if only for some entertainment.
Radiation said:
Watch secret space part 4 which contains some of that nasa footage and others, the whole video itself is more about secret goings on, fake moon landing and dark powers that are said to control the world, there's some very interesting stuff shown so its a must watch if only for some entertainment.
I have watched them. Pretty good entertainment apart from the couple boring ones that start getting too deep into religion and cults and all that guff.

It's a known fact that a lot of the Nazi scientists were hired by the US. This isn't a conspiracy.

It's a known fact that NASA developed replicas of the moon for training/simulation purposes. This isn't a conspiracy.

How could the human race progress so far in 100 years you ask? Answer: WW1 and WW2. Under pressure, the human race can and has done some amazing things... and it will continue to do so, I would hope. When man kind discovers something new (whether it be, fire, a type of metal, oil etc) it usually doesn't take long for all its uses to be discovered also. This is exactly what happened when the first combustion engine was made. Man learnt that contained explosions could be used for propulsion. This led to the Nazi's discovering rocket power. And us Brits, jet power.
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