The Division 2 - March 2019

I've been set on using an LMG and shotgun combo for most of the game. The long sustained fire from the LMG is good at wiping out the trash and veterans pretty quickly, all in one magazine. Then anybody who gets pinned down I can with flank and do disgusting damage with the shotgun up close, or shoot the incindiary chem launcher at their position to either draw them out or finish them off.

That tactic is now out the window at the moment seeing how I've just jumped into world tier 1 and my gear is now pants :D
Dudes, I've tried playing around and changing graphics settings, tweaked stuff and dropped from high to medium on lots of settings within the game. But I'm still getting stuttering. It's random and only lasts for a few seconds at a time. It's almost like a lag/latency issue? This video shows exactly what I'm getting:-

I'm finding that at certain in game times the game will lag like in the video. Might be the fog, sun rays or something else that is only present at certain times. I'm also finding that my computer is very sluggish after I exit the game and takes a long time to shut the computer down.
Managed to do 1-wt1 in 15 hours for a second character, reckon that could be a lot lower with power levelling. Low level mods are insane, sometimes higher positives than the 450gs wt4 stuff with less requirements - like 40% CD reduction on skills with a requirement of 1k skill power. Doesn't make sense.

Kept the alt in wt1 to farm spec points.
Whats the situation with OCUK clans atm, are they all full?

2 people left OCUK TWO today so I let 2 others in, I dont know who were the guys who left, but its worth staying in pending just incase someone leaves.

Also after upgrading my crafting bench it was problem solved on the LMG as I realised I had the blueprint for it. The one just 3 levels below it had 1.9k damage so almost doubled DPS.


What weapon loadouts are most people using?

I tend to have an assault rifle or sub-machine gun for my primary weapon with a massive damage sniper rifle in slot 2 - never found a shotgun or heavy machine gun very useful in most circumstances!

The +30 rounds magazine in the assault rifle is an absolute godsend!

Yep and with a +20% ammo talent haha becomes 72. Plus when you unlock recalibration you can keep that talent on every one you use as well.
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Dudes, I've tried playing around and changing graphics settings, tweaked stuff and dropped from high to medium on lots of settings within the game. But I'm still getting stuttering. It's random and only lasts for a few seconds at a time. It's almost like a lag/latency issue? This video shows exactly what I'm getting:-

I started getting it on western parts of the map, did a google, found a dude who turned down streaming distance to fix it, he did it quite extreme tho taking it all down to 4, I dropped mine from 10 to 8 and seems good for me now, so try dropping that a little.

I noticed when I went back to a specific spot it was always happening at that spot, so I figured its related to loading assets in game, streaming distance makes it load more at once so that seems to make sense.
slightly bored of this game already after 35 hours, on world tier 3 and so far its not much of a challenge, just same rinse repeat missions for higher gear score.
hoping it will get more difficult as I get 450 gearscore and move onto world tier 4, just sticking to cover and shooting bullet sponges gets boring fast.

this is actually my first looter shooter (skipped all destiny, division 1, borderlands etc) and im a bit skeptical about the endgame, do you just do the same strongholds over and over for higher gear score? if so thats really disappointing, its like an MMORPG having 3 dungeons that you repeat as the endgame for no point just to increase an artificial number. I hated gearscore in wotlk WoW and I hate it now, at the moment im just equipping whatever has the best score completely ignoring the stats on it. the map activities are just filler/padding so I avoid most of them except control points.
slightly bored of this game already after 35 hours, on world tier 3 and so far its not much of a challenge, just same rinse repeat missions for higher gear score.
hoping it will get more difficult as I get 450 gearscore and move onto world tier 4, just sticking to cover and shooting bullet sponges gets boring fast.

this is actually my first looter shooter (skipped all destiny, division 1, borderlands etc) and im a bit skeptical about the endgame, do you just do the same strongholds over and over for higher gear score? if so thats really disappointing, its like an MMORPG having 3 dungeons that you repeat as the endgame for no point just to increase an artificial number. I hated gearscore in wotlk WoW and I hate it now, at the moment im just equipping whatever has the best score completely ignoring the stats on it. the map activities are just filler/padding so I avoid most of them except control points.

That is the essence of it yes and of course the genre itself, not just this genre the hack/slash or MMO genres as well are much the same (ie, Diablo, Path of Exile and various MMOs and so on) where you are just running about killing the same mobs over and over to get better gear so that you can kill other mobs to get betterer gear and kill other mobs to get yet betterer gear. Its either a genre you enjoy (and to be fair, co-op on Borderlands, Diablo and Division has been some of the most hilarious fun I've had over the years) or not.
Clan names are (iirc):
  1. Overclockers UK
  3. OCUK
1 and 2 are full i think. Someone please correct me if i am wrong.

And I believe the reason for the name change after the 1st clan, was the clan name character limit. It wasn't possible to add a 2 on the end of the original clan name.

can we get the clan names added to the first post? might save wading through the thread?

can someone ping them to @Gregster

I imagine there will be more soon given the cap on member numbers.
slightly bored of this game already after 35 hours, on world tier 3 and so far its not much of a challenge, just same rinse repeat missions for higher gear score.
hoping it will get more difficult as I get 450 gearscore and move onto world tier 4, just sticking to cover and shooting bullet sponges gets boring fast.

this is actually my first looter shooter (skipped all destiny, division 1, borderlands etc) and im a bit skeptical about the endgame, do you just do the same strongholds over and over for higher gear score? if so thats really disappointing, its like an MMORPG having 3 dungeons that you repeat as the endgame for no point just to increase an artificial number. I hated gearscore in wotlk WoW and I hate it now, at the moment im just equipping whatever has the best score completely ignoring the stats on it. the map activities are just filler/padding so I avoid most of them except control points.

Can see myself thinking the same very soon too tbh. Hit rank 30 and got all rank 30 yellow gear now (still few purples).

Once I do the strongholds and finish clearing the map, I think that will be me, other than jumping in every now and then to shoot **** up and to check out the new DLC. As other than that, it is just going to be like the first game all over again, "hit max gear score/rank and start pointlessly grinding for an extra few % or few hundred/k of armour/health :p)

Great game on the whole though so definitely got my money out of it.
Those of you at max rank who are grinding gearscore, do you not think PVP will keep you invested in the game?

I haven't been able to play properly since the beta so I don't know how endgame is PVE wise and what PVP there is to be had longterm.
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