The Division 2 - March 2019

I was the same with D1, getting to world tier was great fun, but after that it was very meh. Even thinking about going through all the loot I had accumulated seemed like a chore.
Those of you at max rank who are grinding gearscore, do you not think PVP will keep you invested in the game?

I haven't been able to play properly since the beta so I don't know how endgame is PVE wise and what PVP there is to be had longterm.

As someone said you either enjoy the loot grind or you don't. Once WT5 drops there will also be 6 piece gear sets returning (similar to classifieds from the last game) as well as exotics, new missions dropping throughout the year, new stronghold, first 8 player raid as well which is supposedly going to be a long experience. In addition finding the right talents and crafting as well. There is plenty to do if you enjoy the core gameplay loop.

Then yes pvp builds, conflict game mode, dark zone etc.

I do hope they bring back survival mode, I use to really enjoy that.
I hit 30 on Saturday, and thanks to JPM now have a GS of 409 mostly down to a couple of checkpoints on WT4. Not sure I'm going to be getting bored of the game anytime soon, as some say the end game is running the same story missions/strongholds over just getting better gear score, but thats enough for me especially with the fun you can have tweaking your gear/specializations and the Ubisoft look like they have plenty of new content coming up.
Can see myself thinking the same very soon too tbh. Hit rank 30 and got all rank 30 yellow gear now (still few purples).

Once I do the strongholds and finish clearing the map, I think that will be me, other than jumping in every now and then to shoot **** up and to check out the new DLC. As other than that, it is just going to be like the first game all over again, "hit max gear score/rank and start pointlessly grinding for an extra few % or few hundred/k of armour/health :p)

Great game on the whole though so definitely got my money out of it.

Tends to be like that in all these style of games (MMO's as well to some extent), was the same with Destiny.

I am enjoying it its good fun, level 25 now, but cant see me playing for months on end to get a few more numbers. :) If I get 40-50 hours out of it will be money well spent.
I do hope they bring back survival mode, I use to really enjoy that.

yeah. at first i thought how will they do that since it's a summer setting? no blizzards. but with all the weather effects in game shouldn't be a problem.

would be amazed if they didn't bring it back. only question is will it be included in year 1 dlc (free with the game) or standalone dlc later.
As someone said you either enjoy the loot grind or you don't. Once WT5 drops there will also be 6 piece gear sets returning (similar to classifieds from the last game) as well as exotics, new missions dropping throughout the year, new stronghold, first 8 player raid as well which is supposedly going to be a long experience. In addition finding the right talents and crafting as well. There is plenty to do if you enjoy the core gameplay loop.

pretty much this. i'm deliberately not rushing (highest level 24 so far) but i'm also levelling up alts, partly for inventory space, in preparation for what comes next - so far 4 characters at least level 10 & about 60 hours played.

and if i want a break, there's sekiro to annoy me with :)
pretty much this. i'm deliberately not rushing (highest level 24 so far) but i'm also levelling up alts, partly for inventory space, in preparation for what comes next - so far 4 characters at least level 10 & about 60 hours played.

and if i want a break, there's sekiro to annoy me with :)

Are there any benfits to an "alt" in this game then? Not like an MMO where each character is markedly different or is it different at end game?
slightly bored of this game already after 35 hours, on world tier 3 and so far its not much of a challenge, just same rinse repeat missions for higher gear score.
hoping it will get more difficult as I get 450 gearscore and move onto world tier 4, just sticking to cover and shooting bullet sponges gets boring fast.

this is actually my first looter shooter (skipped all destiny, division 1, borderlands etc) and im a bit skeptical about the endgame, do you just do the same strongholds over and over for higher gear score? if so thats really disappointing, its like an MMORPG having 3 dungeons that you repeat as the endgame for no point just to increase an artificial number. I hated gearscore in wotlk WoW and I hate it now, at the moment im just equipping whatever has the best score completely ignoring the stats on it. the map activities are just filler/padding so I avoid most of them except control points.

Are you doing missions in higher difficulty?

Also have you done any coop? I could imagine it getting a bit boring doing solo all the time, i've teamed up with a number of guys on here for a good few hours doing missions/SH/random activities and it's always been a good laugh and has also upped the challenge.
Are there any benfits to an "alt" in this game then? Not like an MMO where each character is markedly different or is it different at end game?

inventory space for future builds when new gear comes out. also someone mentioned keeping a character at world tier 1 for farming certain mods or something - purples are supposed to be 'better' than golds (lower requirements) and you shouldn't be junking them too quickly? also something about the dark zone and the xp penalties when you die? when you go rogue i think - means you can grind the dz with your main and share the loots with your alts and level them up.

as for each character being 'different', think you're right and that doesn't come into it.
Are you doing missions in higher difficulty?

Also have you done any coop? I could imagine it getting a bit boring doing solo all the time, i've teamed up with a number of guys on here for a good few hours doing missions/SH/random activities and it's always been a good laugh and has also upped the challenge.

We also got rekt a few times :D Amazing fun though, should do some more hard missions once we hit WT4 tonight.
inventory space for future builds when new gear comes out. also someone mentioned keeping a character at world tier 1 for farming certain mods or something - purples are supposed to be 'better' than golds (lower requirements) and you shouldn't be junking them too quickly? also something about the dark zone and the xp penalties when you die? when you go rogue i think - means you can grind the dz with your main and share the loots with your alts and level them up.

as for each character being 'different', think you're right and that doesn't come into it.

Ah, seems like people do it for the weekly/daily events you can farm, more alts = more times you can do it = more chance of good drops. Also storage space and possibly different builds. :)

Not sure I have time for alts yet! :p
Quick noob question , how do you know what " world tier" you are?
Do you get elevated to a new world tier as your level up or is there specific rank in something you need to attain?
Are there any benfits to an "alt" in this game then? Not like an MMO where each character is markedly different or is it different at end game?

I have 4 characters in Division 2..I simply self impose "class" restrictions to simulate the MMO character differences. For example, 1 character is only allowed to use Assault Rifle and Shotgun and only allowed to use Pulse and Turret. 2nd character is only allowed to use SMG and Rifle (nonassault) and only allowed to use Shield and Hive, 3rd character is only allowed to use Marksman Rifle and LMG and only allowed to use Firefly and Drone ... and so on.
Do you get specialisations for chars or does every end game char end up with the same options?

You can freely switch between all classes so you could have a build dedicated to each one if you wished (although you'd have to grind to 30 and relevant World Tier Level on all 3 char's).

You can freely switch between all classes so you could have a build dedicated to each one if you wished (although you'd have to grind to 30 and relevant World Tier Level on all 3 char's).


That's what I'm doing, adds in a little MMO/RPG-lite aspect for me and I don't mind levelling up multiple times as I have 1 character for soloing, 1 character for duo'ing with my missus, 1 character for PvP'ing with and 1 character for playing with my clan :)

Besides, I find that running 4 times through each zone means that I find more clothing and more weapon and armour dyes :D
speaking of running through zones, about collectibles and echos - in division 1 if you collected echos after you were level 30 (so, didn't collect them before then), they'd give you a bunch of xp towards your next proficiency cache. Is it the same with echos and also collectibles in division 2?
Quick noob question , how do you know what " world tier" you are?
Do you get elevated to a new world tier as your level up or is there specific rank in something you need to attain?

If you open the map, it'll tell you in the top right corner. Once you hit the requirement for the next WT, you'll get auto transferred.
You can freely switch between all classes so you could have a build dedicated to each one if you wished (although you'd have to grind to 30 and relevant World Tier Level on all 3 char's).


That is what I do in TD1 - I have a bunch of loadouts on one character and can switch between medic type class or damage, etc. seamlessly (aslong as there is no NPC aggression). Personally I prefer that to having characters progress up a fairly fixed class system as you can better adjust to round out a team depending on what other people are bringing to the table.
speaking of running through zones, about collectibles and echos - in division 1 if you collected echos after you were level 30 (so, didn't collect them before then), they'd give you a bunch of xp towards your next proficiency cache. Is it the same with echos and also collectibles in division 2?

Yep, any XP you earn from collectibles, missions, random activities all count towards your next proficiency cache.
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