The Division 2 - March 2019

Heroic or Legendary? I've never did a raid yet.

You can only matchmake the raid on discovery which is basically story mode for want of a better comparison and exotics don't drop. If you want the Eagle Bearer you need a team of 8 ready to go and start a Raid on normal or higher.
So it looks like TU 10 does nothing to fix the loot problem , I can see this game dying soon......

Over the past week I'm starting to struggle to find anyone in matchmaking or anyone to respond to a backup call. If someone does join and they die, they quit.

I've never seen so many players that quit on Heroic so easily after one death. What is worse, they are the same morons that run into EMP devices or face tank bosses, die, then get ragey because I'm not reviving them within 5 seconds where their body is surrounded by a mob.

I've honestly never seen so many quitters.

Let alone the damn backup calls that people cancel within seconds. Or if I did respond to the call and join, they die then quit. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Not even on the first expansion lol

The expansion was fun. Well worth the money. I really enjoyed it. Some streamers said it was boring.

It was so long since I was back in New York last night, grinding in Heroic for Saturn I had forgotten the spawn areas. Stranded Tanker and Wall Street is still my favourite. :D

I only need the Nemesis for my level 30 agent then it should be pretty good. One part remaining.
:( Disappointed with the lack of new missions and content with TU10 and season 2.

I really enjoyed the game initially and put in a fair few hours, then got bored of redoing the same missions so took a break until WONY, finding my self getting bored again of redoing the same stuff so I was hoping tu10 would bring something new, reusing the same events from season 1 is very disappointing, along with the new items locked behind the raid doesn't give me much incentive to continue playing.
If you are wondering why the game is crashing, ubisoft rolled out a borked update of uplay today, which is crashing in the background.
Some intersting changes incoming for sure, suprised to see so many buffs across the board for weapon types, seems they want more people coasting through Heroic/Legendary content.


Agents, The servers will shut down for maintenance to implement Title Update 10 on Tuesday, June 16th at 09:30 CEST, 03:30 AM EDT, 12:30 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 4 hours. Patch Notes will follow later today.
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