The Division 2 - March 2019

Loot is definitely better on Challenging & Heroic but at the same time it can be messy too due to the amount of different attributes meaning you get could (and will) notice gear that have blue, yellow and red rolls aka Rainbow rolls on it. Great for hybrid builds but sodding useless for most players.
Rainbows are a huge issue for me.
My main powerhouse DPS build has not had any changes in months because all the gear on it is from TU8, when I first began playing! So essentially zero build progress.

Since then I’ve been on my Skill Turret/Striker Drone combo and thanks to Spotter+Combined Arms+InSync the damage output is gigantic even at Heroic level yet all I see for my loot and time is rainbow rolls and crap DPS drops. This is strictly for armour mind you.

I have zero complaints about weapon drops, which are extremely good now imo.
Anybody else having problems when trying to buy credits in order to purchase the Season 2 pass? I go to buy the credits and get this.

Loot is definitely better on Challenging & Heroic but at the same time it can be messy too due to the amount of different attributes meaning you get could (and will) notice gear that have blue, yellow and red rolls aka Rainbow rolls on it. Great for hybrid builds but sodding useless for most players.

Even Legendary runs has crap rolls. Hardly anything maxed from drops. I haven't had a good red backpack upgrade in a while for my Sniper build.
Camp White Oak is terrible for this. They see me through the mist and bushes yet I can't see them.

I was running a CP4 earlier for the Manhunt and got downed in a couple of shots from a guy with a subgun who was at such a range that my rifle couldn't touch him. A rifle couldn't touch him, but he could hit, and kill me, me with a subgun at that range? How the hell UbiSoft consider that to be normal is beyond me. Not to mention that fact that you can still stand toe to toe with a basic red grunt in a t-shirt and jeans and empty multiple AR magazines into him (100K DPS) and he just shrugs it off, and as you reload he drops all your 1.5M armour in one shot.

They said they'd fixed this crap with the TU9 update, but it's still present in TU10
I saw Born 2 Game on YT talk about that document, what a kick in the nads. I rarely speak badly about games/devs but that is ridiculous and pathetic.
So, is there any plans to run the raid as a clan?
If this is already happening, apologies, i've not been online a lot this week

Some of the clan are hardcore raiders I think , probably best to ask in game when you see the leader online. I watched the twitch streams of the second boss , my god some serious organization is required.

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I doubt I'll ever be able to do a raid. I've partially did the Dark Hours from an invite that was on Discovery where I was slotted into the Razorback section. I can't get 7 players to stick it out for the long haul. Most Division players I've been with apart from one will stick with me on my list. Most quit after one wipe or one to two hours.

Sadly I can't see me ever completing a raid because of this and those that do complete it seem to know each other extremely well.
I doubt I'll ever be able to do a raid. I've partially did the Dark Hours from an invite that was on Discovery where I was slotted into the Razorback section. I can't get 7 players to stick it out for the long haul. Most Division players I've been with apart from one will stick with me on my list. Most quit after one wipe or one to two hours.

Sadly I can't see me ever completing a raid because of this and those that do complete it seem to know each other extremely well.
Same as me, I’ve not even bothered trying the raids as no match making. I tend to jump on and join a friend from work where we do manhunts or other bits etc.
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