Same. I've done so many 'mechanical raids' in MMO's like Tera etc that these will just bore the hell out of me regardless - knowing my luck I'll get cack rainbow loot anyway so I'll stick to solo'ing stuff.I doubt I'll ever be able to do a raid. I've partially did the Dark Hours from an invite that was on Discovery where I was slotted into the Razorback section. I can't get 7 players to stick it out for the long haul. Most Division players I've been with apart from one will stick with me on my list. Most quit after one wipe or one to two hours.
Sadly I can't see me ever completing a raid because of this and those that do complete it seem to know each other extremely well.
Hit SHD 1000 yesterday! Started playing on March 23rd as the lockdown kicked in so not a bad run at all. At least I can disable these terrible new TU10 directives though since XP isn't an issue anymore!