The Division 2 - March 2019

I doubt I'll ever be able to do a raid. I've partially did the Dark Hours from an invite that was on Discovery where I was slotted into the Razorback section. I can't get 7 players to stick it out for the long haul. Most Division players I've been with apart from one will stick with me on my list. Most quit after one wipe or one to two hours.

Sadly I can't see me ever completing a raid because of this and those that do complete it seem to know each other extremely well.
Same. I've done so many 'mechanical raids' in MMO's like Tera etc that these will just bore the hell out of me regardless - knowing my luck I'll get cack rainbow loot anyway so I'll stick to solo'ing stuff.

Hit SHD 1000 yesterday! Started playing on March 23rd as the lockdown kicked in so not a bad run at all. At least I can disable these terrible new TU10 directives though since XP isn't an issue anymore!

Same. I've done so many 'mechanical raids' in MMO's like Tera etc that these will just bore the hell out of me regardless - knowing my luck I'll get cack rainbow loot anyway so I'll stick to solo'ing stuff.

Hit SHD 1000 yesterday! Started playing on March 23rd as the lockdown kicked in so not a bad run at all. At least I can disable these terrible new TU10 directives though since XP isn't an issue anymore!

The thing is, what I played of Iron Horse really was fun. Got past the first boss as everyone else decided they had enough and had to do other things. :(

How did you get to level 1000 so fast? I've been playing since end of February just before Warlords released as I hadn't long started the main Division story. I'm currently about 278 SHD and aint levelling up all that fast on Heroic with directives on like some people I've been chasing that seem to jump 20 levels very quickly.

There was a time I was catching them, 12 levels away and they seemed to jump crazy levels when I'd be playing 4 - 6 hours per night. The said people are fast approaching near 100 levels above me.
How did you get to level 1000 so fast? I've been playing since end of February just before Warlords released as I hadn't long started the main Division story. I'm currently about 278 SHD and aint levelling up all that fast on Heroic with directives on like some people I've been chasing that seem to jump 20 levels very quickly.

There was a time I was catching them, 12 levels away and they seemed to jump crazy levels when I'd be playing 4 - 6 hours per night. The said people are fast approaching near 100 levels above me.
I didn't consider it fast really. I did hit Lv30 fast via the main campaign and PR from these forums running me through them. I did most of the WT1-5 on my own at which point I bought the NY DLC and then leveled to 40 in that.

Bear in mind when I began playing it was TU8 - when loot drops were really decent. After the ban patch of TU8.5 loot went downhill and never got better. So I had a ton of good quality TU8 gear in my stash that I had saved. My DPS (Infantry MG5/Glass Cannon/Vigilence) build was 95% perfected and allowed me to jump from normal to challenging difficulty without much change in my playstyle.

What changed the game for me and made me level faster was a Skill build consisting of Striker Drone/Assault Turret. I could switch on all directives on Challenging and blaze through content without too much worry and it was a great deal of fun, where with a DPS you need to really focus and be aware of your surroundings. Skill builds allow you to have freedom and enjoy things. All I do are missions, CP's (3 & 4), and the usual activities that are on a map. I don't do MP as I tend to play on and off at my age nowadays. The seasonal and league stuff give you a good chunk of XP but I am not exactly sure of the details.

Heroic CP's I believe are some 530k of XP, and to level up you need 700k. Challenging is 250k or so and thats minus directives so it shouldn't be too hard. That said, if you're having fun and enjoying the solo content then just continue doing what you do. I never focused on leveling but just exploring and having a good time so nothing was really repetitous. The only sad thing is the current rewards for your time ingame - loot is an absolute disaster now.

If you do need a partner to run through a mission/bounty etc I am Kainzy on uPlay. Haven't got a mic (or a desk yet) so I tend to type with a keyboard on my lap and controller in my hand! :o
Is it worth picking this up or is it a bit too late?

I also prefer playing single player. Is this the sort of game that is only fun when playing with a group?

Too late with what? No, get it, it's great fun. Solo and groups it's fun. The story mode was fun as well more so Warlords.
Too late with what? No, get it, it's great fun. Solo and groups it's fun. The story mode was fun as well more so Warlords.
I don't know. From the outside it seems like there's a lot of details that are complicated unless you've been playing from the beginning. It's only £8.50 on Uplay so probably worth trying.
I don't know. From the outside it seems like there's a lot of details that are complicated unless you've been playing from the beginning. It's only £8.50 on Uplay so probably worth trying.

It is much much simpler than say trying to get into Destiny 2 late on.
I don't know. From the outside it seems like there's a lot of details that are complicated unless you've been playing from the beginning. It's only £8.50 on Uplay so probably worth trying.

The only thing that most people find complicated for a while is the recalibration station but it's really not. The way the menus structure it, makes it look complicated.

It's never too late to get into it. I've never played it from the start and I'm pretty close to good players as I only started the game right at the end of February and was casually playing through the story for a month until I got to Warlords. I just don't have the ultimate god rolls. I've only got several pieces maxed out as well as my Legendary cosmetics after 355 hours playtime.

I kept two agents to play with between players. Level 30 Tier 5 for those who never bought the expansion and my other which got boosted to level 30 to play Warlords at the time that became my main for level 40.

Even god rolled players still die from what I've watched both in the game itself and streams.

I personally enjoyed the long story trying out all the weapons as I was levelling up through the story. So many setups to explore to find what works for you. Even then I never found the weapons I really liked until end game which is mainly dps/sniper.
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Probably been posted but it seems they have needed acosta go bag. No longer returns the grenade.
Also the turret mortar. Skill level 6 killed red enemies in 1 hit on challenging. Needs 2 hits now.
I was wondering if anyone can help.

I’m doing the secret missions and stuck on two of them.

I can find the npc to start it but it doesn’t give me the option to speak with them.

the first is the Navy Hill Transmission, the NPC Jane Applegate is just leaning on the desk on the walkie talkie.

the other is missing curators, looking online there should be two people talking and you can speak with Olivia but there is about four people in the same house scattered around and I cannot speak with any of them. I have captured the control point right outside but made no difference.

I have done the other three missions without any issues.
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For a long time the "Missing Curators" mission was bugged and many were unable to complete it. Looks like they fixed it

I have spent the evening trying to get the npcs to be in the correct positions so I can start the mission but no joy. Did all the control points (5 in total) and still not able to speak to the npc to start the missing curators mission.

cant seem to find anything either online to why I can’t do this side mission.
Is there anyone around that wishes to run DZ at all? kinda get hammered when on your own either by mobs or other players so trying to extract gear is a pain.

I am on most nights
Is there anyone around that wishes to run DZ at all? kinda get hammered when on your own either by mobs or other players so trying to extract gear is a pain.

I am on most nights

I hate to say it but DZ is mostly like that, people don't go into DZ for gear because the rolls are so bad. Most go there and camp at extraction points in groups waiting on players like that to extract to destroy them.

Most are rocking Lady Death SMG builds in the DZ. It's why I've rarely been in there. My build isn't fully maxed yet to take them on. As it's usually always groups of 4 hiding. Nor do I have Lady Death.
I only want to go in there to get two weapons, the orbit and the Virginian with perfect boomerang and you can only get them from the DZ. last few bits I need for my build.

just waiting on the time for when they have a increased drop rate.
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