The Division 2 - March 2019

Read through your feedback, one point I didn't see answered was around the mod system. In td1 it was all positive increases in stats so they wanted to give a more thoughtful option this time - however the guy who is in charge of the weapon system, Fredrik Thylander tweeted saying a lot of the mods currently are placeholders and in the real game you will see the large increase in stats like we can now - but the negatives will be dialled way back. So like 20% accuracy increase with only a 2/3% deduction of DTE for example.

Other one is regarding armor kits. Via the collection of SHD tech you can upgrade perks that change the amount of armor kits you get when entering a restock zone - need to invest into that.

Very hard to see who is rogue unless they are right on top of you - very annoying and I hope that will change.
Like division 1, dx 12 is far better than dx 11 for me.

Game runs superbly, not getting fps drops or stutters like others are reporting.
Like division 1, dx 12 is far better than dx 11 for me.

Game runs superbly, not getting fps drops or stutters like others are reporting.
Must give that a try when I get home.

Ah @GAM8LE that reminds me anyone who previously had me on uplay re-add me, my account was compromised some time back and all my friends were removed.
Some NPC's can go prone,didnt see it yesterday,was like wtf,i didnt killed him yet-and he started shooting me.AI is really not bad,probably one of the best in games,they just need to adjust nade,drone,nade launcher spamming non stop and game will be gold.

My Uplay if any wants h4ckioOo
Read through your feedback, one point I didn't see answered was around the mod system. In td1 it was all positive increases in stats so they wanted to give a more thoughtful option this time - however the guy who is in charge of the weapon system, Fredrik Thylander tweeted saying a lot of the mods currently are placeholders and in the real game you will see the large increase in stats like we can now - but the negatives will be dialled way back. So like 20% accuracy increase with only a 2/3% deduction of DTE for example.

Other one is regarding armor kits. Via the collection of SHD tech you can upgrade perks that change the amount of armor kits you get when entering a restock zone - need to invest into that.

Very hard to see who is rogue unless they are right on top of you - very annoying and I hope that will change.

yep I maxed out the amour kits, that and the drone that auto heals you are game changers.

I would have took the nerfs if it was what I was looking for, e.g. I would accept a nerf to reload time if I had larger magazines, but the ones offered to me in the beta were the other way round LOL. No way I am taking a 25% buff to reload time for half my ammo capacity.
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i didnt even notice this.. just played the sniper one, i expected the special sniper to be 1 hit kill anywhere but it wasnt so not sure what benefit it has over a regular sniper

had much more fun with end game weapons though

Wasn't a fan of the sniper weapons tbh. I think it was the SR-1, it takes quite a bit of time to focus, and obviously with the enemies running around a lot, makes it pretty much impossible to land a shot. These kind of weapons are probably only good when the enemies haven't noticed they're under attack. But considering these were ~80-90k damage they don't actually do a great deal of damage compared to some of the other rifles where damage was much lower, but with RPM considerably higher.
Must give that a try when I get home.

Ah @GAM8LE that reminds me anyone who previously had me on uplay re-add me, my account was compromised some time back and all my friends were removed.

What's your uplay name?

Some NPC's can go prone,didnt see it yesterday,was like wtf,i didnt killed him yet-and he started shooting me.AI is really not bad,probably one of the best in games,they just need to adjust nade,drone,nade launcher spamming non stop and game will be gold.

My Uplay if any wants h4ckioOo

Just added you.
yeah the marksman rifles I hate, the slowest weapons to use and if you been ganged up on are horrible especially.

Assault rifles by far I found the most useful. They have good distance damage drop off stats, decent damage, ammo capacity and rate of fire.

I take it everyone here who wants in has beta access now then, no invites needed?
i have problem with sending invites,so far only 1 invite was able to send.

I was trying to get lvl30 HE AR or at least LMG,when i got it,even that random gear seems ok now-HE AR/LMG makes easy job on that mission.Can imagine how properly put loadout with proper talents will work.

@Semple - got ya :)
Wasn't a fan of the sniper weapons tbh. I think it was the SR-1, it takes quite a bit of time to focus, and obviously with the enemies running around a lot, makes it pretty much impossible to land a shot. These kind of weapons are probably only good when the enemies haven't noticed they're under attack. But considering these were ~80-90k damage they don't actually do a great deal of damage compared to some of the other rifles where damage was much lower, but with RPM considerably higher.

Yeah you have to pick your shots, but the sniper (the normal one you get not the special) is great for the enemies that want to stay in cover, just wait for them to pop up.. also going for the head is a must, i was one shotting with this in the head a lot.. hitting 300k+
Ultimately I think I'm going to pass up on buying this - or maybe if it goes very cheap.

Many of the old bugs are there including some of the big ones like grenade stagger - after all that BS they used to justify moving development focus from TD1 to TD2 claiming that it wasn't a good use of resources to try and sort these problems in TD1...

The movement after initially not being totally put off by it after awhile I'm just finding the times when the character moves out of control a step or two or won't turn or automatically moves a bit tedious - if they had any sense they'd put the movement back to how it was in TD1 before the changes to try and combat chicken dancing and put in some kind of PVP combat stamina system to try and solve that.

Some of the UI stuff has just been changed for the sake of it without really accomplishing much.

Personally not liking the mechanics overall - I'm sure some people will prefer the more gun focus but I liked the blend in TD1 of abilities and ability to customise your character around them and enhance them in ways TD2 doesn't seem to support as well as the gun play and there are a few areas like sniper rifles and pistols where they could have taken the opportunity to work them better into the gameplay but haven't - IMO they should probably drop the ability to carry a secondary weapon that is the same as a primary, drop the sidearm slot and have one primary and one backup weapon that could be a handgun or a more limited selection from the main pools i.e. carbine variants of assault rifles, short barrel shotguns and certain SMGs, etc. making the handguns less relegated to largely useless as they could then have stats that made them viable as a backup gun and give more variation than the oft run LW M4 + M700 Carbon combo of TD1.
Just watched a bit of a clip of someone playing this on youtube, he had 3 other players with him and played really carelessly like standing out in the open etc. he got away with it because there is 4 targets for the enemies.

From what I can see the number of enemies doesnt change to count for the number of players, which is perhaps flawed, it means either its too hard for solo or too easy for multi.
Just watched a bit of a clip of someone playing this on youtube, he had 3 other players with him and played really carelessly like standing out in the open etc. he got away with it because there is 4 targets for the enemies.

From what I can see the number of enemies doesnt change to count for the number of players, which is perhaps flawed, it means either its too hard for solo or too easy for multi.

Same as div 1, enemy count doesn't change but more elite units will spawn. No point throwing a stream of enemies at players especially as there is limited cover and smaller fight zones.
Ok some more feedback from me.
I have come attached to my progress and will be gutted the save doesnt carry over to full game :(

don't thnk it does - was watching the dev stream & pretty sure they confirmed that. Only thing that carries over is the weapon skin (beta participation) & the badge (completing the invaded mission).
I like the game a lot but the interface is clunkier, too much pointless double clicking things. Also aiming seems weird, I can point my sniper rigfle at a stationary enemy literally 10 meters away with the reticule plainly over the target and it will not turn red, and it will miss when shot. I understand bullet drop but this is really odd, it's like it doesn't register the hit box properly.
Just watched a bit of a clip of someone playing this on youtube, he had 3 other players with him and played really carelessly like standing out in the open etc. he got away with it because there is 4 targets for the enemies.

From what I can see the number of enemies doesnt change to count for the number of players, which is perhaps flawed, it means either its too hard for solo or too easy for multi.

I believe NPC's are have more health,scaled for a group.
I didnt find hard anything on solo tbh.At lvl30 there are mixed gear HE + 2,3 purple pcs's,and some crap weapons,i just changed 1 purple gear to HE and got proper LMG+AR and had no difficulty doing Invaded on hard while gear mostly was still random.
There will be some changes for full launch obviously
Well as I said I am new to this genre, but what I seen in that youtube video with 4 players I am sure even the best player wouldnt get away with solo, standing out in the open for 20 seconds without even been shot at, but he still managed to get downed but of course as a group you can be revived as well.
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