wow if you think the nerf was bad on the turret in the open beta, in the final game its really bad. It literally lasts 2-3 seconds before lost.
I assume there has to be a way to power it up else its useless.
Ton of bugs that werent in the beta.
I think the turrent issue is now a bug, basically if you deploy it even if not attacked it will 90% of time just despawn, can see the counter start to move down slowly then it just goes poof, it seems to happen if its idle, so you get the enemies aggro'd first so it shoots right away you get some use out of it, but the moment it stops shooting it will probably despawn.
Picking up items as junk doesnt mark them as junk.
I had an elite enemy just despawn. He wasnt dead.
Game is a buggy mess, private beta to open beta to final game gradual worsening of the game.