The second group already has reached 4+ members , although I have 0 earned CXP, dunno if its glitched or not.
As far as I know CXP is gained whenever you gain normal EXP, so just playing the game earns CXP then entire clan benefits from it.
You dont need to put in any time, I will do projects myself if I have to is fine. I set it to casual.
OCUK TWO is the name.
OCUK TWO clan created. For those who didnt make it to first one, need at least 3 more people to get the perks.
Is the recoil thing a bug? I know some games have variable recoil to avoid people using cheats that mitigate a fixed pattern. Obviously the recoil shouldn't change drastically each time, just a small amount within a defined recoil range for each weapon.Sent a request to the second clan.
I've been running into the recoil/chem launcher bug in the last hour, pretty annoying when the recoil of your weapon changes everytime you fire!
Really enjoying this compared to Anthem. The missions are long which is so nice compared to the short 10mins plays with Anthem. The world is full of content, love exploring it all, although I am getting distracted from the main quest line. I check map and find I've walked the other side of the zone!
@chrcoluk, yes you were right, there's a problem with skills, noticed it with the turret, drone and mine. Turrert and drone can disappear quickly and mine sometimes doesn't activate.
ok up until around level 8 and then patchy. Was using chem launcher (heal) and turret earliy on, seemed fine. Drone and turret or drone and mine, not good at the moment.
edit: yeah:
Can't eat a useless turret. That teapot on the other hand...Explains why my turret was as useful as a chocolate teapot while solo'ing yesterday. I generally check the area, deploy in a good spot when ping someone in the head.
Is the recoil thing a bug? I know some games have variable recoil to avoid people using cheats that mitigate a fixed pattern. Obviously the recoil shouldn't change drastically each time, just a small amount within a defined recoil range for each weapon.
I've been playing for about 8-10hrs and still not done enough to unlock the clans. I keep finding myself just randomly exploring the map.
I may need to transfer leadership of the new clan and then leave and rejoin it, as it seems there is a bug where leaders of clans are not getting CXP.