The Division 2 - March 2019

there is a 3rd clan.

I have managed to get some pretty neat equipment from our clan vendor so far.

Would anybody have the name of the third clan? Found the first two but not any variation on OCUK and 3 (or THREE).

Really liking the mission design of this so far.

Clan names are (iirc):
  1. Overclockers UK
  3. OCUK
1 and 2 are full i think. Someone please correct me if i am wrong.

And I believe the reason for the name change after the 1st clan, was the clan name character limit. It wasn't possible to add a 2 on the end of the original clan name.
much like a MMO game?

I guess the difference is in an MMO you run into other people. The only time you will run into anyone else is in a Safe house or if you are doing Multiplayer specific content like the DZ... You will never ever run into another player out in the world unless you are grouped with them.
Would anybody have the name of the third clan? Found the first two but not any variation on OCUK and 3 (or THREE).

Really liking the mission design of this so far.


I think it was just called OCUK but I think he only posted once, and if you cant find it then maybe he disbanded it?
Why not just disable voip in game, and use discord for comms?
Discord was being blocked from working by the game running as admin - it wasn't down to the ingame voip! All resolved now though, after restarting UPlay and the game it stopped missbehaving and I was back to using Discord without issue.

Interesting hearing DX12 runs notably better, I'll try that later. I was happy with how the game was running on it's default settings! :D
I ran benchmarks on both and didn't notice any improvement either way. 1-2fps difference but you get a little fluctuation anyway.
Discord was being blocked from working by the game running as admin - it wasn't down to the ingame voip! All resolved now though, after restarting UPlay and the game it stopped missbehaving and I was back to using Discord without issue.

Interesting hearing DX12 runs notably better, I'll try that later. I was happy with how the game was running on it's default settings! :D

Ah i thought you meant within the game.

That does sound very strange though, are you only logged on as a limited user account or something?
Havent tralwed through this thread but is there a list of recommended settings to Boost FPS while retaining visual fidelity? i think i saw a Hardware Unboxed video with aload of recommended settings, does anyone have a web link or whatnot that has a list of what to set each setting to, to achieve best FPS while keeping visual quality? :)
Havent tralwed through this thread but is there a list of recommended settings to Boost FPS while retaining visual fidelity? i think i saw a Hardware Unboxed video with aload of recommended settings, does anyone have a web link or whatnot that has a list of what to set each setting to, to achieve best FPS while keeping visual quality? :)
Ah i thought you meant within the game.

That does sound very strange though, are you only logged on as a limited user account or something?
Just standard Windows admin rights, with UAC enabled. I think it was just a leftover from UPlay installing the game - at least I hope that's all it was and that it won't intermittently reoccur!
basically fog and resolution scale have biggest impact, if you at least 1440p setting resolution scale to 85% isnt very noticeable visually but helps noticeably on gpu.

if you cpu bound disabling latency boost can help you as it saves cpu cycles. Also switching to dx11 may help you.

if you gpu bound with spare cpu cycles dx12 should help.
What is the point of a sniper rifle I might as well throw stones?

I felt that way with my first rifle, I think with high crit etc it could be good but yeah I prefer autos. Plus autos bettter for people like me who shoot like they're blind.
What is the point of a sniper rifle I might as well throw stones?
It really depends on the rifle. Something like the SVD will let you fire a lot of shots in quick succession but at detriment to the DPS. You'll want something like the M44 if you want to one shot mobs but that's then at the expense of clip size.
hey guys, I just picked up a code and installed...lvl 5 char 1
Enjoyed Div 1 you might remember seeing me about if you were in the OcUK discord gang for late night Rogue mayhem:p
I hope to see a few of the old gang out in the Div 2
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