The Division. Are we interested?

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Why did you get banned? :-o

Had cheat engine running mainly in the background for when rouge hackers turned up, though they usually one shotted me before I did. Would never use that ability against non hackers though as it would certainly not be fair.

Did (not in the DZ) teleport to weapons/electronics chests 3 days before the 14 day ban so their cheat detection is certainly working and that's very good news.

Have had cheat engine installed for many years as it's fun to play about with in SP games. The Division is the only MP game where I have used it as the hackers that just kill everyone for the fun of it was really getting on my nerves.

Won't be using that on the division again as it would be a permanent ban :eek:
Aye, good games tonight... "oh we're rogue are we?" :D :D

And for funsies - Prattler and Chanjy killed a couple of rogues shortly before I joined today... They came back for revenge -

PLEASE BE AWARE - A couple of comments have choice language in them (hence the link)... I got a bit carried away :o
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Good fun tonight even though I almost ruined a few incursions..... :P

Dying to try CM fl tomorrow so would there be someone who has done it willing to join me, v4nt0m and stark to give it a shot?
Radeon, Son, I am disappoint.

Quite a good 204 Police M4 AR at the BoO Special Vendor upstairs and some decent talents on it too. Not God roll, but decent and anyone looking for an upgrade to a 204 could do a lot worse.

Stats are starting to look a lot better too. Realised I was rocking a 164 GS Holster so nabbed a blueprint on a 204 and now have this:

Primary DPS is 199k as well with all talents active on both my Primary and secondary.
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I'm looking forward to it as well! I'm about to log on and do those dailies first.

How did you get on then? Need a full debriefing!

It's 3am and I'm in the game due to being in some unnatural timezone, thanks work!
Been farming for the Caduceus but no luck :(
I'm lonely, anyone else play at this crazy hour, ding me Progen2k
Where is it located? Which M1A is it?

Edit: Safehouse DZ3. Requires 280k+ DZ credz and DZ75. Only need 9 more levels and 200k. :eek:

I have the levels but also short about 200K DZ creds :( Mind you, I am off now for 2 weeks and will be hitting this quite hard. I will buy the BoO one as I have 850PC and nothing else appeals there.
Had not a bad evening with F34r and someone else in a group in the DZ.

hope you didn't mind me tagging a long but solo dz is not as fun lol :D

level 36 now in the dz
I have the levels but also short about 200K DZ creds :( Mind you, I am off now for 2 weeks and will be hitting this quite hard. I will buy the BoO one as I have 850PC and nothing else appeals there.

I just bought the M1A in the BoO. But when I mod it and equip it, the DPS drops to 136k, as does my Aug(217k>193k). Logging in and out does'nt change it. I re-equip my SRS, I log in and out, DPS on both weapons is still low. I walk into the BoO and low and behold my DPS is back up.
I can't believe that Ubi has still not fixed this issue, it is even worse when using the stash, all stat readings are false.
I've just spent 3 hours crafting and trying to up my stats, just managed to raise my armour cap to 48%. Not had much luck on the re-cal and now I've run out of creds.

@neil_g, according to your character stats, you should be able to get extra DZ XP, tbh, I have not come across any gear that offers me this. It would be nice, as leveling requires more and more XP the higher you climb.
Yeah there are dz xp gear out there, not had any drop for me.

The gear stats from what I've listened to is client side so I think will be in 1.2. I think its the whole cross platform thing that.slows down the roll out of client patches.
Anyone know when the dz vendor restocks? hoping to hit 75 this weekend, & would like to get the m1a before restock, I give up on hornet/larae bennet, not even had a bad m1a drop.
Gamble, not in the middle of the night please :p early evening is better for me. We also need time beforehand to coordinate with all four.

Need to go mat hunting first so I can actually roll the 204 M1A lol
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