The Division. Are we interested?

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282k dz creds and rank 75 for a 204 m1a.. In 159 hours.. :-| tomorrow is going to be a massive dz farm session..

The boo m1a is a bit rubbish for 800pc.
45 missions ran on hard for credits/loot.

APM 13
Armor 6
Wep Mod 11
Holster 8
MR 3
AR 1

A mix of PA, Warrengate and Assembly.

Sucks :( (all the guns were crap)
Just telling you what you already know.
282k dz creds and rank 75 for a 204 m1a.. In 159 hours.. :-| tomorrow is going to be a massive dz farm session..

The boo m1a is a bit rubbish for 800pc.

Wear kill xp gear and go with a group! I grinded from 50 to 75 in a week. It was horrible.

Don't pick up stuff, no supply drops, just run and gun everything.
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I'm gonna look up how to farm for mats as quick as possible. Pa and DZ are too slow. Especially yellow tools I'm after. I wanna roll a good M1A for Falcon - will have to look up which mods work best too and hope I've got the. I want 50K+ on it, deadly, vicious and brutal. Just in turmoil which scope; the better CQBSS FDE or the MK2 A5 something x15. Nah the former since shouldering will be 50%.

Labby, they've got a Valkyria bp now so you can roll your own favourite weapon ;p
Made two decent M1A's from the DZ blueprint so far, Balanced/stable/and the bleeding chance talent, and balanced/deadly/can't remember the third now wasn't that good though.

I've gone with the balanced/stable/bleed one to replace my 182 lexi drop socom m1a which had brutal/deadly/stable on it.

Just wish I could get this balanced/deadly and roll the skill cool down talent for roaming in the DZ that would be my perfect sniper.
Still using the crafted is it 162 Vector as main wep need something new any suggestions pls guys only got about 30k dz coiin and lvl 54 in dz.
Quick question regarding the current performance of this game. Anyone else using GSync and finding this game doesn't fare too well with it? I've recently gone from 1080p to 1440p GSync and adjusted settings accordingly to keep the frame rate above 60 but even then it feels juddery at best. Everything else has been fine but this game really doesn't seem to like it. Perhaps there's something I'm missing.

Also, have they dialled back some of the settings on this game with the patches? Doesn't look nearly as good as it did when I started it.
damn,M1A at vendor and i have only ~90k DZ creds :(
my friend has no time to grind for me,so seems i will miss it again
need change job i guess :D
I bought the one in the BoO, just over 800PC, now I'm skint. :D

I wanted blueprint,as i already have M1A,not great tho.
PC is just to easy to get,DZ creds is another thing.
Oh well,there will always be another time.Besides weapon balancing coming with 1.2,so it will interesting to see all changes
The highs and lows of the DZ (cont'd)...

Just lost the only HE M1a I have ever picked up, either PvP or DZ, to rogues during extraction (the gas station in DZ 2). I always pick up 3 greens/blues in the hope they drop instead of the HE, and I even heard the rogues say "who carries greens!" But unfortunately the M1a dropped with the blues and the greens.

It was a three person group, took out rich0dify as well. We went on a bit of a rogue hunt after that, I downed one of them (not killed) before being taken out again and then we hit a rogue on his own who we took out. He then came back and got me, and rich0dify got him back.

I almost rage-quitted at losing the M1a...but you know, it's only a game and there'll be another chance tomorrow...

Thanks to rich0dify for dragging me around.

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