The Division. Are we interested?

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I don't mind going Rogue itself. The risks are balanced with the rewards but I am getting rather hacked off at dying four or five times a night to the same group. Case in point last night I lost 7 DZ keys, about 30k XP and about the same in DZ bucks. Sure I can get it all back, but I much prefer a nice, quiet, farmable instance. We were the only ones that had any interest in the rogues as well and yet even with 61% armour and 99k health I felt like a two dollar hooker I was going down that easy.

Max your armour
Run with a support player and have him run recharger and bounce of it when you engage players.

The rest is common sense. Co-ordinate alts. Use Explosive bullets etc.

I tested upto 41% exotic damage resilience with Marcostyle and even with his M44 and explosive round he was still able to one shot me, so I don't even bother with that major/minor skill attribute including gear mods.
My lvl 14 twink ;)

We got to wave 11 today in CM FL using mobile cover and smart cover for the shot gun waves along with ultimates.

Was a good combination.

I have now sold all my other green items aside from 4x sentrys/4x strikers/1 tacticians. Have now got a build of 200kDPS,100k stamina,15k electronics.

Dropped my dps down a lot to get the stamina up and I still hit as hard :)

Also had a good review of everything I had today to see what I can do get the armour cap to 75% and I will get it to about 70% without needing to get any more gear.

Progen/Flash/F34R - I wont be back on again this evening unfortunately. Few friends just appeared so I cant exactly tell them to do one so I can play the division lol :P

Will be on tomorrow anyway, maybe around 3/4 I think.
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We got to wave 11 today in CM FL using mobile cover and smart cover for the shot gun waves along with ultimates.

Was a good combination.

I have now sold all my other green items aside from 4x sentrys/4x strikers/1 tacticians. Have now got a build of 200kDPS,100k stamina,15k electronics.

Dropped my dps down a lot to get the stamina up and I still hit as hard :)

Also had a good review of everything I had today to see what I can do get the armour cap to 75% and I will get it to about 70% without needing to get any more gear.

Progen/Flash/F34R - I wont be back on again this evening unfortunately. Few friends just appeared so I cant exactly tell them to do one so I can play the division lol :P

Will be on tomorrow anyway, maybe around 3/4 I think.

Got to wave 15 and all got killed. :D Just waiting to go back in again. Playing with Bigmender/Labby and Mono.
i did just then as well. the rest of the team decided to plant the explosives with half a wave left on 15, they all promptly died and left me in the bunker with no hope.
We got to wave 11 today in CM FL using mobile cover and smart cover for the shot gun waves along with ultimates.

Was a good combination.

I have now sold all my other green items aside from 4x sentrys/4x strikers/1 tacticians. Have now got a build of 200kDPS,100k stamina,15k electronics.

Dropped my dps down a lot to get the stamina up and I still hit as hard :)

Also had a good review of everything I had today to see what I can do get the armour cap to 75% and I will get it to about 70% without needing to get any more gear.

Progen/Flash/F34R - I wont be back on again this evening unfortunately. Few friends just appeared so I cant exactly tell them to do one so I can play the division lol :P

Will be on tomorrow anyway, maybe around 3/4 I think.

No worries and I think I can make that time, just don't go in without me :D

We need to know what enemies each wave contains so there's no doubt.

i did just then as well. the rest of the team decided to plant the explosives with half a wave left on 15, they all promptly died and left me in the bunker with no hope.

Aw that's harsh. You played with randoms or? What's your Uplay tag?

****** hackers again shooting through solid objects, I've just about had enough of this, and rather than Massive focusing on fixing this in a day they nerf talents, idi*ts. What sort of composition are they giving us for losing loads of everything? 10 Bird Bucks?! Tried finding an Email address to write them but there's none; not everyone's on twitter, facebook or whatever.
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Was hoping to get at least 4 completed FL CM done tonite but just managed the 1 completed run. didnt help having to swap people in and out as they left oh well. Once enough have learnt it and got used to it, we should be able to complete it in 40min runs and just farm it.
Was hoping to get at least 4 completed FL CM done tonite but just managed the 1 completed run. didnt help having to swap people in and out as they left oh well. Once enough have learnt it and got used to it, we should be able to complete it in 40min runs and just farm it.

I think I'll concentrate on getting to DZ75, so I can get some better gear. Need to get my DPS and Stamina up some more. Hopefully wont die so much. :D

Will have a play around with the Striker and Sentry gear I have(might have to rob my alts) and see what improvements I can make, then look at what Striker and Sentry pieces I have. Got a few BPs, so may be able to roll a couple more and see if I can get better stats.
Congrats guys :D

Like you say, it's just about learning it and what skills to use in the ultra hard spots :)

We'll all be farming it in a few weeks :D

That is exactly it. Every round on cm fl is easy but its getting prepared for the shotgun rounds that is most challenging.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have a new screen to play on. Dpd messed up today.
I need to get my DPS and health/stamina and mitigation up again after some minor reconfiguration - although I down enemies almost 50% quicker now. In short; need better stuff from FL cm. Currently 4 Sentry & 2 strikers at 235K (241 with one Sentry swapped for one strikers), 74.7K, 14K. Mitigation went down from 61% to 55.80.

Gamble, I'll look for a list of waves. You on two monitors? I'm not so I'll send it to you if you are. Guessing during cm isn't good ha ha! What monitor did you get?

Damn thats pretty much what we were doing, I noticed on our last run if I stand there I grab the mortar attention.
My mobile cover has 1.2billion HP, thats why I wanted to try it, but if I stand there the mortars should miss flash's mobile cover and be ok.

Anyways seems I'm best with pulse and overheal, with immunnizer at drones as they can't blow mine up.

Shame you guys are asleep, I want to dial this in now.

Gamble, I'll look for a list of waves.

(quickly stolen from reddit)

WAVE 1 (shotgunners with assault Troops)
WAVE 2 (similar to the above)
WAVE 3 (drones)
WAVE 4 (first bomb wave; shotgunners and assault troops)
WAVE 5 (snipers)
WAVE 6 (snipers and heavies)
WAVE 7 (all of the above + drones)
WAVE 8 (second bomb wave; all of the above enemies appear)
WAVE 9, 10, 11: From this point onwards, the same types of enemies in previous rounds will appear (though shotgunners/assault-types may be fewer in some waves); a newer enemy type - Agents (healers) also appear.
WAVE 12/13/14 (similar to the above mentioned composition)
WAVE 15 (final bomb wave; infinitely spawning enemies)
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