The Division. Are we interested?

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Playing this morning, leveling my second character (27 at the min) and need to run the last few missions a few times.

Name is Ward1E
Starting to become a thing where a group member wants to swap loot, then runs when they have your drop :(
Can be such a toxic community sometimes, Alas, the hunt for tactitions holster continues.
Managed to get enough funds this morning to buy the level 32 Stamina mod blueprint but can't say it has done much for my stats really (5 mod slots to use). Also got some Green Striker gloves from the library, which was nice but still only 191 (damned those elusive 214 gloves). Now time to get my second char 5 more levels in the DZ and buy the Firearms mod blueprint.

Quite a successful morning as well and managed to kill 3 rogues and go rogue a couple of times (on 2 of the previous rogues) and survive :D
Firstly, and only because this thread goes so fast, I am also curious what you, gamble, Skyfall and Stark think on the recalibration dilemma. Some here rightfully suggested the mod slot and I am inclined to agree; gives me all the flexibility to change whenever I need to. I think I can get a slot instead of kill xp too so I can keep the DMG protection. See post here:

Progen: I would do away with all the Tactician gear and opt for 4 Sentry and 2 strikers and steer yourself towards electronics via stamina mods and / or attributes. This will get you an overall stronger build. I am going to do exactly this as soon as I have more 214/240 items that are any good. Can't be bothered to rebuild myself with 3 191 in the lot.

Yeah we might be able to do some dailies and missions, need cash, like 1-2 mil. I need to keep doing DZ too for more funds for next week when they'll probably have an epic shotgun in *cough* (I'm saving up for the 204 Tactical AUG A3P, a worthy base AUG replacement).

Greg: the stamina mod has been epic to me, raised my armor and health significantly. Just keep rolling I'd say! I rolled five and picked the best one.
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Firstly, and only because this thread goes so fast, I am also curious what you, gamble, Skyfall and Stark think on the recalibration dilemma. Some here rightfully suggested the mod slot and I am inclined to agree; gives me all the flexibility to change whenever I need to. I think I can get a slot instead of kill xp too so I can keep the DMG protection. See post here:

Progen: I would do away with all the Tactician gear and opt for 4 Sentry and 2 strikers and steer yourself towards electronics via stamina mods and / or attributes. This will get you an overall stronger build. I am going to do exactly this as soon as I have more 214/240 items that are any good. Can't be bothered to rebuild myself with 3 191 in the lot.

Greg: the stamina mod has been epic to me, raised my armor and health significantly. Just keep rolling I'd say! I rolled five and picked the best one.

Im not sure why you need kill xp anymore fear ;)
Go for mod slot
think I'm going to change my Sentrys for 4x Striker and 2x Tac just to get the added electronics I think! seen a lot of people doing this
Just had a Delta error mid way through a mission, not a big deal, as I ended up where it crashed.
But now my DPS has dropped again, Aug 208k>177k and M1A 164k>133k, really am getting fed up with this. Would'nt mind if it was just a false reading, but I can feel the difference in play. It has been alright most of the week, had the same issue last Saturday, I just don't understand it.
Just had a Delta error mid way through a mission, not a big deal, as I ended up where it crashed.
But now my DPS has dropped again, Aug 208k>177k and M1A 164k>133k, really am getting fed up with this. Would'nt mind if it was just a false reading, but I can feel the difference in play. It has been alright most of the week, had the same issue last Saturday, I just don't understand it.

So imagine when you going down from 280dps to 190dps :D
The difference feels is very big,always need to log out and then log in again to correct stats.I had only maybe 2 falling through map bugs (even tho my Div ison is on HDD not SSD) but i had lots of these stats bugs.Nothing worse when this happening in Falcon
Had a good run last night with Fear.

ranked up to 46 from 41, no rouges (or any other plays for that matter lol) at all and just downing mobs.

changed primary gun from black market AK to Navy MP5 N, 163 over 182 but rpm is 1040 so downs mobs so fast compared to the AK

had a little run with platter too, ty guys
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