Looking for a fourth for CS if anyone is on?
Mario, Radeon and I tried CS with 3 and made it through the first part OK but wiped several times on the second. Had to give up as we had RL things to do.
Definitely need a strategy for the inner circle...I'll be researching some later.
Overall very impressed with the new patch. I didn't do the DZ but tried several of the HVT missions (one success, two fail - the higher level ones do need a group, at least a pair.)
It is raining loot - for anyone levelling up it is going to be easy now...I picked up 22 weapons ranging from level 25 upwards, numerous gear pieces, two GS 163 HE gear pieces and the 214 Sentry Gloves that were a big improvement to what I had.
Forgot all about the standard dailies, but Phoenix Credits won't be a problem with the S&D and HVT missions. Run the S&D's as much as you like and build up Intel and do the HVT missions for a ton of PC.
At the BoO Special Equipment Vendor:
Historian - stats above
Custom PF45 GS 204
Marine Super 90 - 52.2k damage GS 204 878 PC
Converted SMG-9 A2 7703 damage GS 181 208 PC
Predators Mask Holster - GS 191 344 ARM F 474 S 476 E 525 +5% Protection from Elites and 3% Ballistic Shield damage 207 PC
Hunters Faith Holster - GS 191 341 ARM F 470 S 468 E 516 +5% Protection from Elites and 9% turret duration 210 PC
Gearset Blueprints:
Lone Star Holster
Strikers Knees
Hunters Faith Knees
Sentry's Mask
Lone Star Mask
Hunters Faith Holster
Sentry Knees
Predators Mark Gloves
Tacticians Mask
Predators Knees
Tacticians Knees
All 214 cost varies between 278-393 PC
Those that get on later - enjoy!