The Division. Are we interested?

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Firstly thanks to everyone I played with tonight! I'm dripping in gear set items, so much that I don't know what to do with them lol! I've got Lone Star, Predators, Sentry's, Nomad, Hunter's 214's, 240's, backpacks, gloves, holsters, knee pads and what not. Collecting phase now, then rebuilding myself. Also got a very nice M1911 204 pistol with 63.8K base DMG, modded improperly it does 88.6K DMG, properly modded around 100K - a pistol FFS!

I miss Sentry's SMG/AR buff but running around the DZ with 3 Sentry's / 3 Striker's has not disappointed me, neither has the Balanced nerf on my T-ACR.
Was a very nice run against those rusky rouges,gave me nearly 1 level of xp and 128k DZ creds :D
Dont know why,but lags like hell,you shooting and player already in another place,happens in DZ only
204 m44 - not a bad roll.. Toxic/restored/prepared (69k dps, 48.4k, 161% headshot) 130.9k with mods

Got a pair of 191 lone star with poor rolls. Got the hunters faith 214 bp but need more mats.

Dz was fun even though not in the top bracket (sorry to those who kept inviting me but you were in a different bracket). Managed a solo extraction after getting a few hijacked. Sealed caches are good, loads of div tech.

Went accidental rogue on some poor guy and thought to hell with it and finished him off as I needed the xp. He then chased me and shot me after my timer went down so I hosed him and got more xp for killing a rogue.

Loads of wannabe rogues that can't follow through on the kill lol

Haven't even tried the new missions yet..
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Yeah there is, just keeps getting worse, there's a thread about it on Reddit, was getting it myself earlier.

Just seen this, not sure if you already have.

I'll give that a try failing that it might be these new nvidia drivers causing a problem

Firstly thanks to everyone I played with tonight! I'm dripping in gear set items, so much that I don't know what to do with them lol! I've got Lone Star, Predators, Sentry's, Nomad, Hunter's 214's, 240's, backpacks, gloves, holsters, knee pads and what not. Collecting phase now, then rebuilding myself. Also got a very nice M1911 204 pistol with 63.8K base DMG, modded improperly it does 88.6K DMG, properly modded around 100K - a pistol FFS!

I miss Sentry's SMG/AR buff but running around the DZ with 3 Sentry's / 3 Striker's has not disappointed me, neither has the Balanced nerf on my T-ACR.

I think they've over done it tbh. I got awesome weapons today inc 204 aug, mp7 with great talents and a rare m1a with coolheaded. I went from 0 Div Tech to having 200 and so many different gearsets that I just placed them all in stash so I can think what to do with them later.

Also picking up the drops from hvt and selling them I've gained atleast 150K

I've been overwhelmed today.

Your pistol is op lol Never seen one with that base dmg before, it's higher than a magnum
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Had some numpty rogues today, was fun killing them with Prattler, Richie and Mario (Mario the space cadet sitting at the back :D)

Aye was fun :).... Still no idea why Mario was sitting behind a barrier while we went in with Survivor Link on to take them out... You cant hit people with a shotty from way back there!! :confused:

The server changin us (phase transition thingy) when you joined us was good as we ended up right next to Rogues in the sports store and promptly ended their run :D :D

Now upto 104 Rogues killed on UPlay... I'd bet the agents killed stat would be far higher if it showed you on UPlay... Sooo many people love killing rogues but are **** scared to go Rogue themselves!!
Aye was fun :).... Still no idea why Mario was sitting behind a barrier while we went in with Survivor Link on to take them out... You cant hit people with a shotty from way back there!! :confused:

The server changin us (phase transition thingy) when you joined us was good as we ended up right next to Rogues in the sports store and promptly ended their run :D :D

Now upto 104 Rogues killed on UPlay... I'd bet the agents killed stat would be far higher if it showed you on UPlay... Sooo many people love killing rogues but are **** scared to go Rogue themselves!!

was changing weapon and got double menu (todays glitch),couldnt move from cover :mad:
Quite happy with my setup now, got over 300k toughness with 72% armor mitigation, so less squidgy, also found out by surprise that the Aug I got in the DZ earlier, was a 204!

What do you get for completing the daily challenges? Headshots etc.

It should tell you in game, map, all missions, highlight said one and at the bottom it should say.
Good games today after taking a short notice holiday. Clear Sky twice, lots of DZ and even some Daily and a Weekly HVT with some very good rewards. The last one was proper mental with Cleaner bosses everywhere and fire spewing all over the place! Some good rewards but very little that was better than what I have. Really want to find a decent vest as my Gunslinger vest is only GS181 but is still much better than even anything 240 I got and I need high Firearms to activate the talents on my Aug and T-ACR.

Anyone that's played with me will know I LOVE my ammo. Now that I have two Lone Star sets and using the Police backpack I can get 1950 SMG rounds and over 1800 AR rounds. Some quick calculations mean I'm carrying around 90lbs of SMG ammunition and around 110lbs of Assault Rifle Ammunition. As I also carry all rounds for all guns, I'm sprinting up the road with around 400lbs, or over 28 Stones worth of ammunition on my person. :)
I feel it will be wise to fill up my/our stash with greens and then have a play with it. I am quite happy with my current build but always room for improvement.
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