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This is a very good build at the moment for me and I am getting close to having full sentrys/strikers so I can start plugging in the gear set talents.
I have 2 firearms and the rest are stamina. Level 32 stamina, level 31 firearms.

I bought the blueprint from dz for the stamina ages ago, just need to get the firearms one when it comes back.
First off, a big thanks to Chanjy for giving me those legendary 240 Final Measure gloves! Combined with a 240 armor I got I did 2 Final Measure, 2 Sentry's and 2 Striker's in the DZ tonight and it's been more than fun! Combined with an immunizer and Tactical and Survivor ults I can stand right in the face of two big flamer guys and they do nothing to me whatsoever, made me feel like a god ha ha! I'll try and post some pics of the builds tomorrow, it's still a thrown together build to tide me over whilst I'm collecting replacement pieces.

Got so many 240 green tonight it's been unreal! Including my elusive, sought after Striker's and Sentry's gloves :D
And my build has changed again!!! lol :P

I am swimming in 240GS items that I can almost do any build combination. Missing a few vital pieces for a few but its fun being able to do this :)


Havent tested it yet but I am sure it will be fun.
Think I might trade off my skills for DPS and Stamina. There is/was a High End assault rifle I wanted which would be my first now the DZ is gonna be a hell hole of difficulty.
Agreed, I'd have left this game long ago if it wasn't for the teamwork :)

best thing about the game imo :cool:

Which is great. But sometimes either you (or at least I) either don't want to team or can't (short time online etc).

Pre 1.2 it was possible to solo dz and now it isnt unless you have much better kit.

I guess what I'm getting at is that the jump from the lower bracket to the 201+ is in my opinion too much, especially as people moving up are likely to have borderline kit.
This will always happen when you step up a bracket, but you'll soon gear up and be fine on your own at least in the lower DZ - then you'll be thankful you're in the upper bracket as the rewards are so much greater!
That's the thing, before the extra dz brackets pre 1.2 I was in the top bracket and easily wandered around dz4-5.

Even in the lower 201+ dz it feels OTT. Been in there a couple of times since the patch and its just not worth it.

Its too much of a jump in difficulty now where it feels broken.
I like the fact the new DZ bracket is difficult - the DZ over all levels was too easy before.

When the patch first came out I couldn't be in th DZ alone at all - but now I can run around the dz up to NPC l33 and be fine solo as long as I have my wits about me.

If you want the best gear, a challenge should be expected.
I percevered earlier and made a little headway. Didn't venture out of dz1 and 2 though. Got dropped a few times but a few kind people revived me rather than waiting for to die.

Got a couple of rogues, they mustve been just as squishy as me.. Explosive bullets + m44 = win.
I think since the patch the difficulty did jump up a bit, but they simply pushed you back to teaming up and using covers instead of just tanking around.

I kinda learn it the hard way and one thing to bare in mind: See a cleaner? RUN.
I did a lot of cover to cover kiting. Just have to watch you dont back up into another group of nasties.

I really do get that teaming is the best way. I just wish they didn't nerf solo play.
I've had to fudge around sending items to my alt, and now I can get in the 161-200 DZ. Went from 61 to 66 in a decent session last night. Had the mobs to myself. Loot was garbage though.
I've had to fudge around sending items to my alt, and now I can get in the 161-200 DZ. Went from 61 to 66 in a decent session last night. Had the mobs to myself. Loot was garbage though.

Its annoying because my on screen score is 197, its a good set of gloves that I'm saving that's bumping me into 201+
Yeah it's taken from the average of your highest weapon, and highest gear items, even if you don't have them on.

I don't mind, I wear XP gear anyway when I'm grinding in the DZ. 322xp per mob from the lower levels.
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