The Division. Are we interested?

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Damn, just remembered I'm out tomorrow and likely won't be on until silly late. Hopefully catch any early morning agents, or certainly on Saturday.
Any other way of giving this a shot without committing to the pre-order? I was interested in it from E3, forgot all about it and now that it's close to being a real thing I'm interested again.
I'm curious as to how the "rogue" thing works when squadded.

Does the whole squad get the flag when one player goes rogue, or only the player who gets the "kill"? Or is it based on whether you did damage to the player - e.g. everyone who's damaged them within a certain time before they are killed?

Depending on how it works, you could really troll a squad by joining and then going rogue, causing the whole squad to get flagged :p

Interesting concept, as one stray grenade could class as a bit of friendly fire, then trigger you as rogue, when really it was a total accident.
I'm curious as to how the "rogue" thing works when squadded.

Does the whole squad get the flag when one player goes rogue, or only the player who gets the "kill"? Or is it based on whether you did damage to the player - e.g. everyone who's damaged them within a certain time before they are killed?

Depending on how it works, you could really troll a squad by joining and then going rogue, causing the whole squad to get flagged :p

Not going to be able to get on Friday night till my son's in bed, so probably about 7-8pm, going to be a late one though :D

The whole group goes rogue, not for very long though if it was just a bit of damage. You get a little bit of leeway before going rogue but I'm pretty sure a grenade would trigger it.
Interesting concept, as one stray grenade could class as a bit of friendly fire, then trigger you as rogue, when really it was a total accident.

Hmm, yeah I didn't think of that... I'm hoping they've considered it, and you need to do x% of damage to the player for it to count... although that would cause issues if you were to find someone already on low HP and finish them off...


from watching this:

  • It looks like you (and the rest of the squad) go rogue as soon as you do any damage to another player.
  • You can't damage your squad
  • If someone leaves the squad, all other members get an advance warning

So I guess that handles the "stray grenade" scenario (at least for your own squad)
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You could just Pre-order it from Amazon and then cancel if you do not like the game or not wanting to buy.. :)

Id already bought it this morning from CDKEYS but forgot to check if the bata comes as well, sadly it don't :(

Easier option for those that don't have the funds also £20+ ;)
Yup, there is so much troll potential for this game, my GTA 5 character approves:


People lying??? D: who would do such a heinous thing.

But seriously i agree :) the main thing is nobody can say what the game is going to be like until the game comes out. Hopefully it will be looking good. I know no game ever looked as good in development as it's final release did so that's one thing for sure. Even if they can make a few small areas look good for a early trailer. As long as they can match that for launch then it's fine by me haha.

I understand the importance of graphics and there immersion and how much they add to the game. However it seems a lot of people are unfortunately putting all of there eggs into that basket and forgetting completely about the soul principle of games. A game can look great but it needs game play to back it up. It doesn't happen as strongly in reverse. If a game has great game play then it doesn't "need" graphics to back it up.. they are just a added bonus that make it better

TBH, if they are, I can't blame them and applaud them... after all who could resist such a good troll :D

Yup I don't disagree, I think the game looks good for today's standards and I would have been just as hyped back in 2013 had I seen this footage instead.

My problem and I think for the majority of others is (same as with far cry 3 and watch dogs) that they showed jaw dropping in game PC footage at the e3 events on 2/3+ year old PC hardware that looked amazing but come to release, the game won't/doesn't look as good and has had certain effects removed with the usual PR excuses/lies i.e. it was buggy/caused issues etc. despite them showing the features working perfectly fine on that old hardware. Even if there were underlying issues, I'm sure that in 2-3 years, they could have found a workaround/fix.

After seeing what happened with watch dogs and its "hidden" disabled e3 effects, I just can't believe what any company says when it comes to downgrades now.

Haven't managed to get a key, BF4 lads. Tell me what it's like when on Discord!

You can buy a beta key for a couple of quid :p

I shall have my discord ready with appropriate clips :p
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