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Nice drops Gamble, what type of gear sets are you getting?


I was running 4 piece tac with 2 piece FM. GS246 for heroic

Running 3 piece striker and 3 piece firecrest for everything else, gs 249

Got some cool blind gear tonight which I am going to experiment with
Big thanks to Gamble, Twirly and Def for holding my hand through Heroic FL last night, some nice gear was had.

The stairs method is far easier than the pit method imo.

I'll be on later today, some of us have to work...sadly
I have 4 set BLIND, GS246 at the mo, the proc is cool but it has a short cooldown on it, so you have to pick your target and often mobs just run out of the effect, its saved me a couple of times though.

I reckon once the BLIND rifle turns up it should be decent for taking out stuff quickly, i will start fights by lobbing flashbangs and then tearing them down.
Analysis of the quickest way to rank up in the Underground. Not taking loot gained into consideration, just quickest way to rank up. It's assumed most people will be getting max gear from caches, although it appears GS 220-225 is the point at which maximum gear is assured from caches.


By the time you reach Rank 40 doing Normal mode, your friends who leveled using Hard mode will be Rank 33, and those who leveled using Challenge mode will be rank 17.


mmm this is wrong
Difficulty XP Reward Average Clear Time

Normal 500 4:48

Hard 750 7:47

Challenging 1000 43:21

last night 2 phase i got 3000 on hard ;) with me and mario 20 min run
Weekends plans are more UG, more heroic FL, and a heroic CS if anyone is up for it? Maybe even a CM DN?

I'm always up for it, quite like the UG runs we did! Now if only I can get Blind Kneepads and gloves and more of the other bits for better rolls. RNG for Blind has been kind on you; I have like 10 pieces of which only 2 are usable. I'll combine with 2 240 FM until I have new 268 pieces from the DZ - where I'll need to go before the G36 nerf (have 2 good G36 weapons for AlphaBridge). Would enjoy doing the new DZ bracket with a Tactician & Reclaimer player = wreck fest. Even farming for 2-3 hours over the entire weekend would yield some good things (and Gamble, you can get your sought after 268 FM pieces).

Incursions would be fine too, need some things from it too. DZ is boring now but wouldn't mind getting a full AlphaBridge set.

Need to try my new PP-19 tonight! Need a better roll tbh but this'll do until then.
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Bit of a grind to get to two stage Assaults in the UG, isnt it? single stage on hard gets a bit boring after a while and whenever i try heroic i just die instantly ha, seems there's quite a gap between the two difficulties to say the least.

Think i'm on level 17 though so not that far to go.
Hit level 18 in the UG last night. Still only one 268 gear drop since I started playing and it was junk, as was the staggering amount of 182 gear I looted. I decided to return to DZ06 and looted four 229 weapons and three 268 gearsets within 45mins together with accumulating an addtional 60k in DZ credits. I was really hoping that the UG would be a viable alternative area to level up my Striker/Sentry gear, but apparently not. So, I shall spend my time in the DZ6 underground instead.
Bit of a grind to get to two stage Assaults in the UG, isnt it? single stage on hard gets a bit boring after a while and whenever i try heroic i just die instantly ha, seems there's quite a gap between the two difficulties to say the least.

Think i'm on level 17 though so not that far to go.

im like that with hard and challenging, hard is fine, can solo that with no problems but challenging is no go lol
Hit level 18 in the UG last night. Still only one 268 gear drop since I started playing and it was junk, as was the staggering amount of 182 gear I looted. I decided to return to DZ06 and looted four 229 weapons and three 268 gearsets within 45mins together with accumulating an addtional 60k in DZ credits. I was really hoping that the UG would be a viable alternative area to level up my Striker/Sentry gear, but apparently not. So, I shall spend my time in the DZ6 underground instead.

You only get 268 from heroic, but also from stashes in any difficulty :)
I am thinking of doing some HVT farming this evening for some new gear.

does anyone know what else drops from them apart from lonestar sets?
Will be jumping on from 3pm tomorrow so can't wait, have some catching up to do :D

Work Sunday but should be off all next week so it's gaming until I drop :)
on now, added a few of you. Need to get my UG rank up looking at Gamble's drops.

Oh BTW, should probably add for those that are outside the regulars, my UPplay name is Hairy_Tea8ags.
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underground is cool, played for the first time last night with some randoms.

got some pretty good drops, got a nice G36 with destructive and another good talent (cant remember, was late) so will re-roll the 3rd rubbish one. also now running BLIND set items for the pulse bonus with strikers. toughness is now up near 380k, 75% armour cap, though dps has been sacrificed.

good GS items too, 229 weapons and 268 gear.

e: oh and the map issue, i think it definately is overlay related. had the problem, quit the game and turned off all overlays (discord and steam FPS counter) and went back in and was fine all night.
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