What are the little red boxes inside enemy bodies when shooting at them
How do I find loot in the dark zone
How and when does the chopper come to extract it (thought a flare had to be fired)
Will give it another couple of hours tomorrow don't want to play to much and ruin the story but so far it's a purchase for me.
1) Erm, not sure what you mean. The red graphics that appear in the contaminated zones? It's not really a mechanic that's used properly in the beta.
2) NPCs, other agents and containers will give you loot. Killing NPCs and/or rogues will earn you DZ credits which you can use in the DZ vendors.
3) You call in a chopper by going to one of the extraction zones and calling it in ('F' by default). You have to wait til the timer counts down then a rope descends and you use F again to hook your loot onto it, a few seconds later it'll get taken away and then appear in your stash.
970 is running ok now I've turned it down a bit. 2560x1600 is a fair few more pixels than 1440. Played a couple hours on PS4 as well this evening...doesn't look anything like as good but does play nice on the controller and the voice comms setup is better.
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