The Division. Are we interested?

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entered dz for the first time, died within 30 seconds from a group, I can see this being a common thing for players who are not in a clan of some kind. Also I get no in game sound for some reason today, but the intro screen plays it's tune.
entered dz for the first time, died within 30 seconds from a group, I can see this being a common thing for players who are not in a clan of some kind. Also I get no in game sound for some reason today, but the intro screen plays it's tune.

it depends sometimes moving battles happen and you end up down that blind alley that also happens to be the spawn area..
It's not always like that for single players, I spent about an hour alone today in the DZ and had no problems from other groups/players. In fact I've seen about 15 people at an Evac site and not a shot was fired. It's definitely refreshingly different from the DayZ KOS mentality.
it depends sometimes moving battles happen and you end up down that blind alley that also happens to be the spawn area..

happened twice now. Game sucks for solo play. When I enter dark zone I am level 2 purple yet I see higher ranked players with under barrel grenade launchers that insta drops you.
happened twice now. Game sucks for solo play. When I enter dark zone I am level 2 purple yet I see higher ranked players with under barrel grenade launchers that insta drops you.

I've probably spent 5+ hours in the DZ playing solo and never really had a problem. I've run across a few groups who were going rouge, but you can see them coming on the map so just keep clear of them.

Also there is more to the game than the DZ. You can match make with other people on the main mission.
happened twice now. Game sucks for solo play. When I enter dark zone I am level 2 purple yet I see higher ranked players with under barrel grenade launchers that insta drops you.

The grenade launcher is literally one of the first things you get? It barely does any damage to players too.
The grenade launcher is literally one of the first things you get? It barely does any damage to players too.

If you mean the sticky bomb talent, it sucks for AoE splash damage unless its a tiny radius, if you get it ontop of someone it does a lot of damage.

Just ask the 8 guys we dropped two on last night while they were extracting :D
I've only had 1 bad game, mainly because it got ruined by a bunch of exploiting chavs but on the whole, it has lots of nice touches and great potential.
If you mean the sticky bomb talent, it sucks for AoE splash damage unless its a tiny radius, if you get it ontop of someone it does a lot of damage.

Just ask the 8 guys we dropped two on last night while they were extracting :D

It was an accident... Honest, and then they died... And then it would have been a waste to leave all that loot lying there... :D
Spent a few hours playing this afternoon.

It's nice to see the hackers/cheaters are already showing the devs where the exploits are.

People shooting through walls has been pretty common today.
Based on the beta, would people say this is going to have legs or will it be another battlefront/titanfall type scenario?

On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being "Nopes" and 5 being "Yeps", I'm currently at a 3.95

Lets see how bored I am by tomorrow evening.
It looks nice on my X34 and my 980ti handles it well on ultra default settings, only around 40fps but smooth gameplay. The gunplay is fun and the abilities are cool as well. The cover system can be a bit clunky at times but it's easy to get used to. The only thing that puts me off a bit is longevity, I'm not sure that it has what it takes to keep me interested for more than a few weeks. There's just this feeling that it's somehow lacking and I can't quite put my finger on exactly why.
happened twice now. Game sucks for solo play. When I enter dark zone I am level 2 purple yet I see higher ranked players with under barrel grenade launchers that insta drops you.

in the DZ, level 1-7 play together, doesn't really mean anything, theres no level advantage to the pvp aspect, but they may well have better gear if they farmed enoygh DZ points.

I've yet to stumble into an underbarrel launcher, so i presume your talking about the tech tree skill. It wont one shot you (unless you gear is bad i guess) bnut it will hurt if they get it on you.

Based on the beta, would people say this is going to have legs or will it be another battlefront/titanfall type scenario?

It depends what your after, PVE wise we know there is more content we can't access, as we only have the first story mission.
PVP wise, the DZ is fun but i just don't grasp it's influence over loot with what we have accessible, short of the safe house vendor i haven't really got anything.
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division thoughts

game was quite fun,
my only grip where the mouse sensitivity even down at 5% on my steelseries
rival mouse the speed was ridiculous.
i even lowered it in the mouse options but it does not feel quite right atm,
aside that game was running quite well
looks ok nothing special graphics wise.
but i am in two minds about the dark zone,
and how the balance is :)
on current status i would give it 3.5 out of 5
How is it running for most of you? Was playing it on the PS4 yeserday and it was very good.

Playing it on the PC today but having problems, CPU is constantly or near constantly always at 100% and it's noticeable. That's with a [email protected] textures popping and little frame drops when it's hitting it or about to.
Well thats me offically in and pre-ordered, looking forward to March. for £25.64 including 5% off. Gone up a bit since yesterday, probably cause it's not the flop 80% of people were expecting.
PS4 is pretty much the same as PC on high settings but locked to 30fps 1080p.

I wouldn't say that even on med/high looked better than my PS4. Just my PC is getting long in the tooth now, just weird how it copes with most other games but it brings my 2500k to it's knees in this one.
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