I dont really use sets except for on my alt, but thats running 2 nomad 3 strikers and spec backpack which is working well so far
my main has barrets, shortbow, skulls, spec backpack, think its tenacious mask - the one that gives +10% damage after using medkit...
and a sturdy holster but thats pretty bad now so need to replace that
what ive got so far is instead of armour its now best to stack +health
EAD apparently depends on wether you pve or pvp more.. people say its not that good in pvp now, i dont pvp so i put EAD on a few things to get me around 50%
as for weapons im using my m4 still but rerolled to get predatory for extra heals and also running a pp-19 along side it
fire, stam, ele depends on wether you solo or run with a team, pure dps would go most/all firearms.. healer would go most/all elec
for solo i did try to balance it more but i found under a certain toughness i just took far too much damage.. so i have more fire/stam than elec by 1-1.5k i think
im sure someone else will post later with better info but this is from what ive read or tried out for myself and its working out OK.. just needs a few tweaks