Quick question, got this the other week, on load the frame rate is around 3-10 fps and won't even get past the load screen. No issues with anything else on the rig. Known problem? Sent details to ubisoft but heard sod all back from them.
Quick question, got this the other week, on load the frame rate is around 3-10 fps and won't even get past the load screen. No issues with anything else on the rig. Known problem? Sent details to ubisoft but heard sod all back from them.
I had a 6 month break from playing. Ive managed to get my gear up to 229 by just doing the usual instances. Would it be good for me to farm named bosses in pve to get higher gear? I noticed some daily and weekly special quests. Is it possible to do the highest tier solo? I don't have any of the expansions. Yet.
What's the rest of your spec @Doug2507 Are you running on a mech drive or SSD?
1080/7700k/fast ram/nvme
No issues with anything but this game.
Sounds a bit like another program is stealing focus.
just got a ferro mask.. now should i use that or my tenacious one for last stand?
ferro's would be good vs those incendiary balls.. since i could shoot while on fire
but tenacious gives +10% damage after using medkit
Im starting to think refreshed over tenacious, with a switch to ferros if the other team has multiple nuke attacks lol
They are awesome! Don't forget to stack the seeker performance mods toook now i have to try them out lol