Finally starting playing this again and I decided to venture into the dark zone. I didn't bump into one player, has everyone jumped ship?
Whats the hard cap on Crit Hit Chance? I mean with gear and gear attributes , weapon talents and weapon mods. Was thinking of running or trying to run a high crit chance and dmg build. Using 3%hp on kill talent on weapons..
Finally starting playing this again and I decided to venture into the dark zone. I didn't bump into one player, has everyone jumped ship?
Without more content there is no reason for me to play tbh. 3000+ hours tbf lol
Finally starting playing this again and I decided to venture into the dark zone. I didn't bump into one player, has everyone jumped ship?
Finally starting playing this again and I decided to venture into the dark zone. I didn't bump into one player, has everyone jumped ship?
When does it show you last played?just got an email from Uplay -
We have detected recurring actions on your account which are in direct breach of our code of conduct. Please be aware that we have taken the necessary steps to preserve the play experience for others and this has resulted in you receiving a permanent ban. You will therefore be unable to play Tom Clancy's The Division.
Might you need to familiarise yourself with the code of conduct of Tom Clancy's The Division, you will be able to find it on our official forums: Code of Conduct
Thank you for your understanding,
The Tom Clancy's The Division Team
But,........................I haven't logged in or played for many months....hacked account?
I did just try top log in...says my account is banned ?