*** The DIY Audio Thread ***

and it lives.


I think this is my most 'pro' effort yet.
cheers, i am really pleased with it, the front panel finished it off so well. know anyone with a metal lathe? I need to reduce the depth of the knobs so i can have the same surround as the power know all round.
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thats a lush build adam.. congratz.

anyone happen to have a drill press? if so would they be willing to drill a heatsink for me ill be willing to pay for the service
Small request:

This is a little late, but I feel it's about time I added a couple of fuses to my receiver. It was suggested I use 2: one on my amp's main transformer, and one for my DAC's transformer.

What sort of fuse should I be looking at? Slow blow? And on which side of the transformer should I place them?

If someone could suggest suitable fuses/holders that'd be great.
slow blow. and then it depends on the curent draw of the amp. I doubt very much you need anything over 200ma for the dac (but then i am guessing) and then, for a 100watt amp maybe a 1amp fuse before the primaries?
Just a quick question to all you guys who have Modushop enclosures. Mine have the standard silver front panels and I don't fancy paying €14 each for the 10mm panels in black.

So how do you think the silver ones will take to a little spray painting? I was thinking a few light coats of matt black spray paint then a light clear matt lacquer over the top?
I'm going home from uni tomorrow and so am about to order a few extra tools before I attempt building my BantamDAC. What diameter solder do you lot use for SMD work? Could I get away with 0.8mm for the DAC itself?
founder film..... cant help but feel the paint would look a bit cak.

by the way, the 10mm panels are extremely (read impossible) to drill with good tools.

I suggest you get modushop to so the work if you go down that woute.
founder film..... cant help but feel the paint would look a bit cak.

by the way, the 10mm panels are extremely (read impossible) to drill with good tools.

I suggest you get modushop to so the work if you go down that woute.

Did modushop do your panel then? How much did they charge if you don't mind me asking?
Hey, I'm a new user to OCUK, found out about it from saitrix (actually live in the same house as him).
I am in the process of building a Class-D amp for my uni project and have been looking through this thread, have to say there is a lot of nice looking DIY amps. Just wondering where are decent places to buy switches, connectors and case's from? I've already got all the amp modules that I need.

Did modushop do your panel then? How much did they charge if you don't mind me asking?

no they didnt, but it would be cheaper to get them to do some basic work than sending it off to FPE or Schaeffer.

if you have a bench drill, and good drill bits it may be achievable, but it wont be an easier job. When drill through alu that thick it tends to melt on the bit, clogging it. You cant use a stepped bit becuase its too thick, but going for a big bit tends to rip at the material.
Hey, I'm a new user to OCUK, found out about it from saitrix (actually live in the same house as him).
I am in the process of building a Class-D amp for my uni project and have been looking through this thread, have to say there is a lot of nice looking DIY amps. Just wondering where are decent places to buy switches, connectors and case's from? I've already got all the amp modules that I need.


cases : modushop.biz

switches / connectors : rapidonline / farnell / cpc / even the dreaded ******s if you dont want to order online.

hookup wire, navships on ebay.
Cheers for the info, had forgotten about farnell even though I bought my transformer from there.

The dreaded what? ******'s is the only thing I can think of that fits in that space.
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