Ahhhhhhhhhh, could be! Will turn it off and see how it goes.
From the read me:
Dynamic Skill Progression (Optional)
Specialized skills in previous Elder Scrolls games progressed faster than non-specialized skills. In Skyrim, all skills progress at the same rate, making each character more adaptable, but also no different from any other character. CCO brings dynamic skill progression to Skyrim and improves upon it by having specialized skills, racial skills, and major skills all easier to learn (to varying degrees) while making untrained skills harder to learn. This feature is highly recommended but can be optionally disabled in-game.
So, this could potentially be the cause. As it's my major skills that I chose that are seriously boosting my levels!!! Right, tell you what, I will head up the 7000 steps and do that dodyg sneak skill power level trick once with the mod on and once with it off... Screen shot both and report back!!!
So, forgot I was in the middle of a mission for the thieves guild. Anyway, played the game for a bit with it off, quick saving every few steps haha, after a encounter which got me my sneak skill up a point. I re loaded with the addon. Yep, the above made a huge difference.
With gave me about 33% as said above. Without, below 5% I would say... A HUGE difference. So yayyy!!!! Annoying that I am such a high level so early on... But meh, oh well!