Rygar 1 month ago
The virtual install was the worst "feature" I've ever seen introduced in a program. It MUST be enabled and it MUST be placed on the same drive as the game. What for if the mod manager keeps the zipped mods anyway?
Now when you install a mod you have the files 3 TIMES on your discs. 1. in your actual game folder, 2. in your virtual install folder, 3. zipped in the mod manager folder for install/uninstall.
But if you think you can simply delete the files from Virtual hd you're wrong. If you do that the mod manager will eventually bug out and remove the mod completely. Yes it will delete the .eps and all the supporting files from your Fallout 4 data folder straight without permission!
This is BS! I like many other users have very limited SSD making every free GB of space prescious. So far I had to delete 2 full games just to free enough space for those extra copies of texture mods to sit around and do nothing.
I'm hugely disappoined at Nexus for such user unfriendliness. I can't even express how p***ed I am.