The 'first to 90kgs" challenge...

Just in case anybody was wondering...

A clean weigh-in for me is second thing in the morning before breakfast.. after a visit to the bathroom and without clothes.

If I could put on 6kgs of lean muscle in 3 months, I think I'd be of significant interest to the athletic community. As is, I'm up against it for even stodgy muscle.

Anyway - enough posting. More eating.
Clean weigh-in on Sunday evening had me at 87.3kgs. With a gut full of water and food, it hovers around 88.3-6kgs, depending.

With around 7 weeks to do, 2.5kgs is looking pretty challenging!

A week off real training (with plenty of eating) certainly makes a huge difference, however - deadlift went up from 95kgs to 105kgs in a single set. A lesson as to the importance of recovery if ever there was one!

Also, to gym freshers like I once was, getting your diet right is unbelievably important. For me, this means more of pretty much everything, as without the right protein/fat intake, the DOMS doesn't go away quickly, and without the right mix of carbs the day before, pushing each of the sets becomes REALLY tough.
Oh, happy happy joy joy...

Over the weekend I had an arm-wrestle with my brother (knowing full well that they can be dangerous, but it was his idea), and I now have a Grade 1 tear in the longer of my bicep tendons, accompanied by deep tissue sweeling.

Which means leg work-outs are all that's happening for the next week or so (as I went for a gym technique update yesterday - physio was not impressed).

Oh, well - looks like I'll be getting to 90kgs by the doughnut route, after all. :D

Still, last time I had a clean weigh-in (Thursday last week, IIRC), I was sitting at 87.9kgs... with a bit lof luck, the rest period will let my muscles and nerves recouperate, ready for a gear shift in the next couple of weeks...
They're good for you in certain ways, and bad in others...

I know drinking full-fat milk gets my cholesterol up nicely, but I get a reasonable amount of calcium, protein, water from it.

To be completely accurate, I have a litre of almond milk ready to go... two days ago, it was some hemp milk, and before that it was some random Oatly drink or whatever.
It was probably more to do with my massive lack of exercise + high dairy + high meat diet shortly after my car accident (straight after which my cholesterol reading was taken), but easier to blame it on milk. :)
Right - first update for a while...

The torn bicep has meant that I've been off the gym for nearly five weeks.

Because of some additional swelling and mobility issues, the physio was also worried about a SLAP tear, meaning nothing apart from recumbent cycling in that time period. Which is pants.

Mercifully, my weight has remained reasonably consistent at around 87.4kgs - dropping around a kilo in the period mecause of the reduced diet.

Last Friday was therefore my first time back in the gym to build back up and essentially hit the big muscle groups as hard as possible (within reason) to set off a tidalwave of DOMS over the weekend. It worked.

Anyway, will keep this updated for those who are interested.
Well, a change in diet and training intensity has done some interesting things...

  1. Protein is up (additional 3 scrambled eggs in the morning, bigger lunch;
  2. Making sure my creatine cycle is working properly (i.e. doing the 15g/day consistently);
  3. Slightly higher carb intake with some 'instant oats'...

I couldn't tell you the macros from that, but anyway: through talking with the SnC coach, I determined I wasn't really hitting the workout regime hard enough and so have been cranking the weight levels, too (DOMS has been horrific for the past three/four weeks). The net result was a relatively clean weigh-in last night at 91.1kgs. :eek:

I suspect a lot of it is retained water from the creatine, and some added podge, too, but it looks like something's worked, anyway.

So, what now? I've reached 90kgs (a short cut would probably take me to 89kgs quite quickly), but part of me is looking at 95kgs now... :(

When will it end? If anybody's interested, I'll keep this thread updated with progress, but I'm actually quite happy with how it's looking at the moment: it's wierd because my body shape hasn't changed significantly other than:

- MASSIVE gluts and quads (i.e. even my baggy jeans are getting tight);
- as described by my physio: monster traps.

So, good changes, I guess. Onwards and upwards, however! More weight! More food!
Well, I've finally taken a pic...


As can be seen - the difference is truly astonishing. No, I didn't just re-use the OP. :( :)

Routine has changed a tiny bit, with 10kgs of weight added to the pullups and chins, and have stopped planking in favour of a plank between toes and outstretched arms (end position of a standing barbell roll-out). Which is a horrible, horrible exercise.

Also doing a barbell shoulder press, and half of the deadlifts using a snatch grip. Which is also horrible. The only 'easy' change is the addition of a Pallof press, which is interesting...

Right... off to get me some more food.
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