Sadly not everyone can have this neutral standpoint, Thing is people NEED to pick sides, It's pathetic I know but people generally are pathetic.
Kaap is fortunate enough like some people (and me, I admit) to own both. And not just both brands but high end versions of both brands. This tends to make you far more neutral.
I run a Titan Black @ 1080p in my lady's rig and I use a Fury X @ 4k in mine. Both are great rigs, both have more than enough brawn to get the job done.
But those who are less fortunate are then forced to pick a side, and of course human nature being what it is feel like they need to belong (leave me out of that, I'm autistic) and thus tend to join a side.
It harps all the way back to the playground days, where you either had a SNES or Megadrive or Atari ST or Amiga 500 or Sinclair Spectrum or C64.
Most people tend to grow out of it and not give a crap but I guess it just stays with some people. Maybe what I said about being fortunate to own both mixed with a little childishness is the answer?
I am brand biased. I think Nvidia suck and I prefer AMD but at the end of the day it's horses for courses and all that happy stuff. Same goes for CPUs. I don't particularly like Intel (in fact that's a huge understatement) but I will use them.