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The Fury(X) Fiji Owners Thread

Hi All,

I have recently bought a Sapphire Fury Tri-X 2nd hand. What an absolutely fantastic card! I can really see why these are still in demand. The card hasn't breached 60C, or made a whisper for that matter, where my old R9 290 Tri-X regularly hit 70C and made a racket.

A few photos:
It came unlocked with 4096 SPs, which is quite tasty, but it looks to have a max stable overclock around 1070/545 (+0mV). I thought the max overclock might be limited by the unlocked SPs, but it appears to be the same for 3574 SPs.

I was following the advice of AMDMatt about reading the resistor states using AIDA64 and found that at the stock 1000MHz, DPM7 has a voltage of ~1.18.
What was weird though, was that the DPM7 state voltage changes as I use MSI Afterburner to overclock the card. DPM7 got as high as 1.25V at 1050MHz w/ 4096 SPs and ~1.2 at 1050MHz w/ 3574 SPs. Some "clever" logic there?

One thing I noticed was that my overclock instability came about under certain circumstances: When I first run Firestrike/Timespy, the GPU Core clock jumps to the target frequency, but the core voltage is often several steps (DPM3-6) lower - sometimes exactly the value of a DPM state, sometimes a random value between states. I haven't observed instability at higher clocks (1110/545) when the card ran at the DPM7 voltage + offset.
Is this normal behaviour, or have I been sold a slightly borked card?

Not really surprising the core isn't stable trying to run 1110MHz at <1.18V...

Volt mod time? :D

Oh, I "measured" the voltage/core/etc using HWInfo, MSI Afterburner and GPU-Z.

Apprecaite any input!
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Thanks Matt.

Back to the initial questions, seems that XFX (other retailer but sold by XFX themselves) sent me 2 different Fury Xs one is shiny nickel and one is kind of matte black around the edges, have no idea the differences between the two .

One of them was clearly sent back for RMA due to coil whine, the box was slightly teared and the label was also broken with another white label added at the edge of the box. I don't really care aslong as they aren't DOA.

Are the lights above the 2x8 Powers pins suppose to light up at all on initial boot? as I'm not getting any monitor signal.

Lol Kaap like usual 4 is better than 1 :D

Yes, they all light up then when it boots into windows and the gfx load decreases they settle down.
I had the same problem re the monitor signal, had to do a bios reset to get monitor output.
I'd pass tbh, 9 months isn't long, and the card only has 4GB, limiting you in the future/now.

I was wrong about the warranty, it has 33 months left, it was purchased 3 months ago with a 3 year warranty. But as you say the 4GB is an issue.
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Some of the original furies can also be flashed to Fury X's can't they?
TBH Vargas if you don't take it.. then please can you send me the details of the seller :D
Some of the original furies can also be flashed to Fury X's can't they?

A lot seem to be able to be flashed from 3584 to at least 3840 shaders and to the full 4096, if you're lucky.
My Tri-X Fury unlocked to the full 4096 and booted to Windows ok but I was getting 'sparkles' over the screen so never bothered trying to bench on that.

So have ended up with a custom bios for 3840 shaders with a voltage tweak and it seems fine.
yes that was it.. the furies were basically failed Fury Xs. I think in later revisions they actually used lasers to fully disable the extra shaders, but initial batches are just limited by BIOSs
Noticed that the new Radeon drivers now include Wattman for Fury cards, so decided to try overlocking my Fury Xs. I enabled manual voltage control and noticed that my primary card has a default voltage for the top 3 states of 1.250v! (confirmed with Aida64 too) I take it that's terrible right?

It seems as though that is also the maximum voltage as it won't let me increase it. Managed to get 5% OC on it though, better than nothing! Might try for 550 on the memory.

Either way, they have both been running amazingly well at stock and have not encountered any Crossfire issues at all.
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