the games you miss?

Streets of Rage, I really miss that game :(

I also miss the times when older games looked as if the graphics were awesome :(
Mic said:
God damnit, im off to play grim fandango now after reading this thread.
The trouble with Grim Fandango is that I loved it so much I've played it several times. So that now half the fun of the game, which is solving the mid-bendingly difficult puzzles, is rendered useless, because I know how to do them all.

I haven't played the game in YEARS, and yet I still know how to get your boss to sign your papers to get to the land of the living at the start, how to get Carla to help you get the key from inside the small case, how to get past the giant lizard in the sewers, and so on. I spent so damn long trying to beat each puzzle the first time round that every single solution is just sitting there permanently stored in the back of my head forever more. Shame, cos I'd love to play the game again, as hard as it was the first time.
hardkore said:
future cop L.A.P.D on the psone. Played that for ages against mates when you built tanks and choppers :)
I used to love that game :D
Alright, that is a game I miss that I don't own.
I have found going back to the old games you used to love isnt always a great idea as sometimes they just dont feel as good.

Some of the older games i miss playing though are:

Diablo 2 (multiplayer before it was ruined by hacks/dupes)
Resident evil 2 on the PSone (brilliant game and completed it loads to unlock most of the stuff).
FFVII The best game ever made.
SFII the best fighting game ever made.
Killer Instinct 2nd best fighting game ever made. 130 hit combos *** :) Used to come home from school at lunch with my mates and try figuring out new moves.
Super Mario World - Loved this game and i played it the other day and it is still as good.
Marioworld on the original gameboy, i actually played this on my nieces gameboy the other day adn was supprised that i remebered every little hidden thing despite having not played it for about 10 years.
Starwars galaxies (pre SOE screwing it up) Before all the upgrades and crap it was the best MMORPG ever, apprently there is going to be an emulation server made that will run like the original version but i just think it will be the same now without my guild or massive stash of crafting materials :)

Played Sonic the other day and that is still fun too. Altered beast and golden axe sucked though :(
NokkonWud said:
I was talking about this game last night:
Fade To Black on the Playstation.
It was good but I didn't think it was as great as the original Flashback on the megadrive, i missed flashback until i got it again recently - fantastic.
uchuff said:
It was good but I didn't think it was as great as the original Flashback on the megadrive, i missed flashback until i got it again recently - fantastic.
Yes, flashback was awesome, but FTB just did something special for me.
hardkore said:
future cop L.A.P.D on the psone. Played that for ages against mates when you built tanks and choppers :)

i was wanting it to come out on the ps2 i still play the beast today its amazin !!!!
Little Big Adventure..was amazing for its time, such a fun and nice game to play.

Although i still play it, i miss the days when final fantasy 7 was cutting edge, and i also miss getting up to the first scorpion boss, mis-reading the battle instructions and it killing me everytime with its tail laser. I gave up for a few months truth be told. Got back into it and defeated it. I still have crash bandicoot somewhere around my house i think its a bit scratched though. :( Also, bust-a-move 2 was a great puzzle game thats another i miss.

punisher - arcade
willow - arcade
MSR - DC ( pgr series just isn't the same + it had better easy listening music )

and for sheer hit the crap out of your teammate fun .....double dragon - arcade

honourable mention to Final Fight which ive been having sessions on my xbox now again
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