the games you miss?

Mario 64 - The only game I have ever played where I felt the need to collect every single star, and to complete it in it's entirety.

Mario Kart 64 - The most fantastic splitscreen multiplayer game I have ever played, Me and my girlfriend were on this many times, And unfortunately she was better than me :mad:

Goldeneye - Although I said Mario Kart was the best splitscreen multiplayer, I'd say this followed it closely. Fantastic game, Hated Golden gun, It was a given, whoever got that gun 1st won. But I loved 1shot kill games :D

Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Fantastic game again, It was a brilliant complement to the series, Link to the past was my favourite Zelda of all time, But Ocarina of time, was fantastic in it's own right. It lacked nothing, and I could honestly sit and play it right now. Which means aging isnt a factor, Unlike Link to the past(Unfortunately)

Shenmue: Fantastic, The graphics were beautiful, The Story Captivating, And I just loved the press B, Right, Left or Down Cutscenes. I also loved the minigames.

Final Fantasy 7: What I wouldn't give to have my memories erased. And to play this game again, Not knowing what was coming up. Fantastic game, Omnislash has still not been topped with respects to limit/overdrives/quickenings. The Aeris insident(not spoiling it for those still to play it) has never been topped either, She was in my main party by the way :D So you can imagine. And character stories were immense. Even Zack a character who didnt really appear in the game, He had a history and a house you could visit to meet his parents! Crazy!

Final Fantasy 8: Another game I found to be fantastic. Unfortunately it wasn't as good as 7, But the game again in it's own right is brilliant. The card game, a great minigame. Squall a great character with a great story, You actually got bullied!! :D Anyways, ANother game I love.

Metal Gear Solid: Either the PSX original which was a masterpiece, Or the remake that was a masterpiece remade(Duh!?) Anyways, AMazing game. Loved it, best action game I have ever played. Nothing touches it for me


hmm, My missed games seem a little new for this thread

i do miss some classics too!!

Sonic for the master system ( As I never had a mega drive :eek: )

Mario: All Stars for the SNES

Shinobi for the Master System

The usuals
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Would have said "Jet Set Willy: Final Frontier" from the Amstrad CPC platform, but it works perfectly on this 'ere emulator, so no need to miss it now :D
"Spindizzy" was another great, and "Elite".
Pretty much all my old N64 games - Goldeneye, Perfeck Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Beetle Adventure Racing, Doom 64, Duke Nukem 64

I just miss my N64 :(
Wonder Boy on the Master System
John Madden '92 & Streets of Rage 2 on the Megadrive
X-Men vs. Street Fighter on the Saturn (although I still hook this up for a game once in a while)
I miss playing Repton on my old Acorn Electron and also Chuckie Egg 2 which i found extremely hard and also i can't remember too many speccy games where you could save your progress to a tape. And the final game i miss is Bomber raid on the sega master system.
Hmmm i think its time for some emulation.

Oh i nearly forgot Sensible world of soccer for the Amiga----classic
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I've actually still got Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 and MGS.

Been trying to find Team Buddies for months. Its a nightmare to get hold of.

Imagine fast paced 3D worms with attitude.

Fantastic fun!
Elite - but that was on the Speccy years ago.

Most of the other stuff that I really missed like Golden Axe, SF Alpha series, Dragons Lair I now have on my arcade cabinet :)
Super Tennis on The SNES , spent many hours playing with a friend on that. I thought i missed vanguard on the atari 2600 (early 1980`s) , till i got an emulator , and played it, and omg, how did i ever find that game good, let alone the graphics... omg !!!
Pro BMX Simulator - Amstrad CPC (Late 80's, multiplayer loveliness from Codemasters!) - 3 Players, two on keyboard, one on joystick. Many a day was 'wasted' on that during the summer holidays!

World of Warcraft :o . I kicked the habit a year and a half ago. But for some reason I can't understand (seeing as I was never very good at it), it still manages to stir a memory every now and again. But I will not return!
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