What's the red light for if you cannot at all see the red light?
thingness, and you start tripping...
I think you need a good blindfold, in a dark room (not worth bothering with coloured ping pong ball madness), and a good pair of cans or those earphones that plus into your ear properly with white noise at a level that blocks out everything else.
...so no one's managed it yet?
iof you do it with a blindfold/blackness your bain will more than likely just put you to sleep the coloured light/plain white keeps your brain awake.
if you're doing it in the dark you're going to need willpower and concentration to stay awake.
i thought the idea of having the red light through ping pong balls was to trick the brain into thinking you are blind, even if your eyes are open all you would see is red anyway? or am i wrong?
So you ARE supposed to see the red light through the blindfold?
it;s going to take a lot of willpower to not fall asleep.
Do you have to have incredibly small ears for this?
How do you fit your whole ear in half a ping pong ball?
EDIT: LOL! I didn't read it properly. I'll leave my original post for the lulz though.
Oh, he gave up, said he felt dizzy and confused and needed a poo real bad, oh well, will try it tomorrow my self
About 59 secs in he starts talking about a duck.