The Godless - OcUK Guild Wars Guild Members Details...........................

I used to play a while ago but stopped.
Just found this so i thought i will reinstall guild wars.

if my charactor is still there, my name should be shimy182.

and um. why cant i go in to team speak server with the IP address
Why not sport one of these sigs? :) I would've gotten one but the GLT me and Mickey were in dissolved cause people had to go away and we couldn't field a team anymore, so I'm back in our rank 3,000 mainguilds, where GvG consists of people turning up with their farming builds:p
god i havnt played this in ages, i formated my computer and for some reason just never installed it again....i used to be Future Walord if any1 remembers. Think i was one of the first in the guild am i still in it? because im might install it again
Rebel=UK= said:
god i havnt played this in ages, i formated my computer and for some reason just never installed it again....i used to be Future Walord if any1 remembers. Think i was one of the first in the guild am i still in it? because im might install it again

Of course I remember, will reinvite soon :)
Finally got around to finally playing this and currently in the midst of the downloads for the pve side of things for learning the game.

In game name Scm Tr so look out for the new player among you.

I am planning on getting back into GW what with factions coming out. I used to be part of the Guild when it first started but then went to the Darkside (the other guild). IGN was Jack Asbo if there is any room in the guild, although I plan on making a new char to get myself back into the game.
paul8811 said:
I am planning on getting back into GW what with factions coming out. I used to be part of the Guild when it first started but then went to the Darkside (the other guild). IGN was Jack Asbo if there is any room in the guild, although I plan on making a new char to get myself back into the game.

lol the deserters return :)

I remember you mate, weren't you online running around Ascalon with me while your wife was (nearly) in labour :D :D

Will invite you back this evening!
Sweetloaf said:
lol the deserters return :)

I remember you mate, weren't you online running around Ascalon with me while your wife was (nearly) in labour :D :D

Will invite you back this evening!


Hope to pop in tonight when I drop my mates laptop back to him, haven't played for a good few weeks.
Sweetloaf said:
lol the deserters return :)

I remember you mate, weren't you online running around Ascalon with me while your wife was (nearly) in labour :D :D

Will invite you back this evening!

Yep...thats me, daughter is nearly 11 months now :eek: . had my account stuck in America but emailed support & they kindly offered to move me back to european domain. See you back on there soon
Hi guys,

I've been running this Guild now for the best part of a year and have been able to put in a huge amount of time and have really enjoyed being "DA BOSS", however with the rapid approach of Factions it has occured to me that I will not really have the time to give The Godless the attention that it deserves. I have been playing Oblivion rather a lot and to be honest, with a very pregnant wife and two kids already it has been good to play a game with a pause button :)

I will still be playing Factions :cool:

With the coming release of Fatherhood Chapter III I'm going to have to stand down as leader and let................

REDWALAR take the reins!

(he's the only one I could think of that is daft enough to accept ;) )

Ok now the real reason, with Factions will undoubtedly be new cape designs....enjoy :D

I will make the changeover this evening :)
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Thanks Sweetloaf, anyone interested in joining click on my sig to visit the guild web site. We are close to if not at the 100 member limit but will try and fit OcUK members in if possible.
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